Chapter 17

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The Song is called Til it happens to you by Lady Gaga.....

Tomorrow is the day of the days. The 28th of September. There will be a chapter of course on that day :) Are you excited ? Scared? I'm both...


Satisfied and carefree, Zayn and Niall slid through the sea. They swam through the coral reef and watched the colourful fish in their natural habitat. Instead of disappearing like with divers, the sea creatures approached them and took them in their midst. Fish of any kind, rays, jellyfish and even dolphins swam with them. They accepted them as part of the sea. Swimming with dolphins was an incredible feeling.

All of a sudden everyone was scared off and fled in different directions. Niall and Zayn looked around and saw in panic how three big sharks approached. But instead of paying attention, they just swam past them straight away. Amazed, the two looked at each other and then looke dafter the sharks. Startled, they realized they were moving to Mako Island, with someone floating in the water off the coast. Quickly the two shot in the direction of the sharks and were right under the person and the surfboard. The sharks came closer and closer. Niall and Zayn had to come up with something soon, otherwise it was too late. Around Mako, the sharks were somehow always particularly aggressive. No idea why.

Without thinking, Zayn used his powers and created a layer of ice in front of them in the middle of the sea. Niall understood immediately and did the same. He swam closer to the sharks that had stopped in front of the ice, thickening the water so they could barely move. Zayn froze the fins and Niall released them from the jelly. As if stung by the tarantula, the sharks fled and let go of the surfer. Zayn and Niall gave each other a high five and watched as the windsurfer climbed back onto his board with difficulty. Apparently he had fallen down. Who was so stupid and was windsurfing around Mako Island?

As the surfer moved away, Zayn and Niall swam to the surface and looked after him. That could have ended badly. They gave the island a quick glance and then disappeared back into the sea. Their path led them both back to the secluded beach and after they were dry to Louis. They absolutely had to tell him what had happened. Niall and Zayn had just saved someone's life and ducked sharks. At the house Niall pressed the bell. After a few seconds, the door opened, but instead of Louis, Harry stood in the doorway.

"Harry?" Niall breathed in confusion.

"That's my name" he grinned, letting the two in.

"Where is Louis?".

"I'm here, who's asking for me?" shouted Louis at Niall from the kitchen.

"Is he alone in the kitchen?" Zayn raised an eyebrow.

"If you hadn't rung, he wouldn't be alone in the kitchen. Hey, keep your hands off the pan or you will not get any ice cream".

"That's still my house" Louis stamped his foot.

"But I have permission to use the kitchen, you don't" Harry countered.

"You somehow bewitched my mother" Louis asserted.

"Or she knows I'll leave her kitchen in a whole when she's gone" Harry contradicted.

"I just touched the pan. The kitchen doesn't fall apart because of that" Louis rolled his eyes.

"For sure?" Harry demanded.

"Just be quiet Harold" Louis hissed in amusement.

"Whatever you say, Lewis" Harry grinned, putting the pots and pans in the cupboards.

Mako: Connected Through Fate (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now