Chapter 29

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This will probably be a very boring and annoying chapter....but everything has a reason. Don't forget that events have aftermaths and everybody has a past...

I'm kinda annoyed with my own writing at the moment. I don't know but I have the feeling that I get worse with every chapter. I really need to take a minute and think about what should happen when and in which order...


He stood rooted to the ground in the living room and stared at Stan. For years he had heard nothing of him let alone saw him and now he was suddenly in the middle of his living room. Louis didn't know what he should feel. He was overwhelmed and shocked, but somehow glad to see him again.

"What are you doing here, Stan?" Louis asked drowsily.

"I wanted to see you and thought I'm going to surprise you. I missed you" Stan smiled at him.

Beaming with joy, he approached Louis and pulled him into a bone-breaking hug. He pressed Louis tightly against him. Louis hardly responded. Timidly he returned the hug, but he felt quite strange and uncomfortable and he didn't know why. After all, Stan was no stranger. Back in England before the moves, they were like best friends, well school friends who you think are your best friends until you realize what a good friend really is. Still, it was kind of nice to see Stan and see what had happened to him. But the hug lasted too long for Louis to be comfortable.

Suddenly Louis heard a door slam and winced. Stan let him go confused and Louis turned around. There was no one left where Harry had been. The hall was empty. Louis frowned. Why had Harry gone so abruptly without saying a word, slamming the door as if he were angry? Where did he want to go now? Did he go back to his father? Oh god, that thought sent cold chills down Louis' back.

"Louis, darling, did you have a good trip home? Did everything go well?" Jay asked curiously.

Still confused, he turned to face her. "Yeah, everything was alright. I should get my stuff up. Liam and Niall are waiting for me" he replied slightly absently.

"Do that. I'll go to the beach with your sisters. Stan would be glad to meet Liam and Niall" said his mother.

"Sure, why not. Do you want to?" Louis turned bored to Stan.

"Happily, as long as they aren't all as crazy and disappear like a drama queen" Stan grinned.

"Hey, he's not a drama queen. He has his reasons. Don't say anything bad about him. You don't even know him" defended Louis Harry, although he didn't understand his behaviour.

"Woah, calm down. That wasn't meant to sound bad. You know me" Stan held his hands up defensively.

"I know, you never take anything seriously" Louis sighed softly. He had forgotten what Stan was for a person. It had been over three years since they were friends.

"What did you say?" Stan listened.

"Nothing, let's go" Louis dismissed.

Quickly he brought his bag up, pulled a beanie on the head and ran back down to Stan. Together, they left the house and made their way to JuiceNet. On the way there, Stan told Louis what had happened since he left. How his old friends were, the way the school was and he told him how he had found him. That probably took a lot of time. To hear all this made Louis dizzy. It was so much at once and without a break. Stan talked a lot. Louis realized in this moment that he actually hadn't missed him. He felt terrible about it.

Arriving at the cafe, Louis saw Liam and Niall sitting at one of the tables that stood outside. As he approached, the two noticed him and Niall jumped up immediately and fell into his arms.

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