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My fingers quickly typed away on my laptop.

Images of Harry Styles pop up on the screen.

The green eyes, the brown curls, the perfect jaw line and pink lips. This is him.

I don't have any idea why the kiss meant so much, it was just a simple kiss I guess. But the kiss was full of emotion and passion that a random kiss wouldn't have. He probably wouldn't even remember the kiss or my face if I reminded him of it. He was a super star with millions of fans, why would he remember, there is nothing special about me.

I look at his tattoos hoping something will prove my theory wrong, maybe there is one that I would have noticed..?

His arms were covered, but his hands weren't. I scan his hands for a tattoo and find one, a cross on his left hand. I zoom up on it and stand up, leaving my bed and walking over to my book shelf.

I remove the New York photo album full of Kiley and I's pictures. Lydia wasn't able to join us, her sister was getting married.

With the photo album in hand, I returned to the place on my bed. I opened the photo album and a loose piece of paper fell out. I picked it up and unfolded it. The check list Kiley and I made on the way over there.

-Pull a strangers pants down

-Lay down in Times Square

-Walk the Brooklyn bridge

-Visit China Town

-Reenact a scene in the movie in Times Square

-Help a homeless person

-Kiss a random stranger in Tines Square

Looking back on them, they are completely lame. We had 4 days in New York.

I tuck the list in the pocket of the album and flipped through the pictures quickly, finding the one picture. I look down at it, reliving the picture. How I had chills for minutes after it, remembering the smile on his face when I turned around for the last time, and just how the kiss made me feel.

I've hardly talked the moment, only when someone else brings it up. Kiley knows how I feel about the kiss, she thinks I'm crazy.

I hold the picture up to my laptop, I had managed to find a side view picture of Harry.

Jaw line on point.

Tattoo on point.

Hair on point.

Eyes on point.

I kissed Harry Styles.

I'm absolutely crazy. I can't determine anything with just one kiss. For all I know, he could've forgot the whole ordeal and wouldn't recognize me. He probably doesn't remember.

I've read to many love stories where shit like this happens. Things like this never play out as planned. I should forget about this whole thing.

I put the picture back in the album and place it back on the shelf. I need to at least attempt to get my mind off things.

I sit down in my spinny chair and start spinning in circles. I do this a lot and it tends to help, I just spin around and around until I fall out or I don't remember the reason I'm spining.

Dumb, I know right.

I feel the chair tip over and I collide with my fluffy rug.

"Ouch," I mutter sitting back up, I fell harder than I normally do.

My door swings open, Kiley and Lydia stood in my door way with wide eyes.

"What the hell?" Kiley says, laughing.

"Did Harry Styles make you fall out of your chair, honey?" Lydia ask giggling, walking over to me.

"Huh?" I say, confused and on alert.

"The picture of Harry Styles on your laptop." she says, her eyes switching between me and the laptop, where a picture of Harry Styles was.

Guess I forgot to close it out

Damn it.

"Oh uh, totally." I say, laughing dryly.

I stand to my feet with Lydia's help, my side still throbbing.


Awkward ending i know.

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