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Songs for this chapter : Ready to Run & Fools Gold. Both are by the amazing one direction. Idk I listened to both on repeat as I wrote this but Ready To Run fits it the most so if you listen to that on repeat it'll be cool too. Idk I'm rambling here's the chapter:

All day we've lounged around, laughing at random things and exchanging random kisses.

We just finished dinner with my family, now I've decided to show Harry a place that I adore.

Harry and I slip on our jackets and shoes on before walking out the door hand-in-hand.

"So where exactly are we going?" he ask as he looks around.

"A place that I went all the time throughout my teenage years, just to think." I tell him.

We continue to walk up the hill, it's quite a walk but it's worth it.

"It's beautiful out here." He says looking around at scenery.

"I had a pretty awesome childhood. It was always an adventure in my backyard." I say smiling at the fond memories.

"So why switch to the city?" he ask.

"I always loved LA growing up. Fantasizing over the beautiful happiness of the city. I just crave adventure." I explain.

"Understandable, I like some adventure too."

"I don't know how to explain it. It's just a burning desire to travel the world and see what I haven't." I say.

"Wow," he says surprised.

"Sorry," I giggle nervously tucking a loose piece of hair behind my ear.

"What for?" he ask furrowing his eye brows.

"Going all 'my desires' on you," I smile.

"Don't be sorry, I love hearing about your life and 'your desires.' " he says giving my hand a squeeze.

"And here we are." I sigh with a large smile on my face.

We both look around at the view, we made it the other side of the large heel, looking over hills and hills and the barley there building tops.

"This is amazing." he says with wide eyes.

"Thought you would like it," I smile as I sit down on the soft grass.

He takes a seat next to me but falls back, completely laying out on the grass. I follow his action, doing the same.

"My burning desire is to fall in love." he whispers, taking me by surprise.

"Really?" I say just as quietly as him.


"So you've never been in love?" I ask almost surprised.

"Never. Although at the time it felt like it, I never truly was." he says looking up at the evenings sky.

"That's relatable." I admit.

"At the time it feels so right, but there's always that gut feeling you can't pin-point. But after its all over, you realize what the feeling was and it wasn't love." he explains.

I was just about to speak but he beat me to it, "Being 'famous and known' doesn't help it at all. You never truly know if the person is there for the right reasons until it's to late. Until you've already developed somewhat of feelings towards the person. That's when you find out. That's when you find out how they've used you." he says, every word spoken carefully. "Having a one sided relationship sucks, having feelings for someone who doesn't have them back. Being used, knowing someone didn't give a shit about you or your feelings but acted like it. It's stings. When it's all over and done with, your the one that sits around for months feeling dumb, knowing you let someone in a-and they just had probably forgot about all of the pleasant times while you can't forget about them. But what really sucks is when you keep falling for the same trap, just different bait. You suffer the same shit over again. No amount of writing or singing releases the pain and hurt you feel and felt."

"It j-just starts to get old I guess." he says quietly.

We both lay in silence for a good amount of time before I spoke.

"Fools gold." I say barley.

He sighed, "Yeah."

"You wrote it?" I ask turning towards him.

"Sadly." he says closing his eyes.

"Why sadly? It's a beautiful song Harry." I say confused.

"But it's the experiences and stories behind the song. I wish I wouldn't have to write a song like that." he says, trying his best to find the right words.

"Oh I see." I whisper laying back down.

"Do you write all of your songs from personal experiences?" I ask feeling slightly dumb at my question.

"Mostly." he shrugs.

"Wow," I say.

"Harry?" I say after a long silence.


"I'm not using you. What we have is real. I don't want you to be scared or worry about us, or whatever we have. I promise I'm here for the right reasons." I say laying head on his chest.

"I know, because with you I don't have that uncomfortable gut feeling. I only feel pleasure and truth when I'm with you." he says looking me in the eye.

Instead of replying, I reach up and kiss his lips, savoring it.

"Your amazing, you know that?" I say against his lips.

He just chuckles, still shook up from our previous conversation.

I lay back next to him, tangling my legs in his.

"You said it was relatable. How so?" he says.


"How you thought you were in love, but weren't." he reminds me.

"Oh. I was young and dumb. Junior year of High School. It was the summer before Junior year actually, I met this guy named Sawyer Williams. At the time, he was all I wanted and needed, so I thought. I had just lost my grandmother, so I was looking for that comfort, he gave it to me. School started up and I was almost positive I was in love. Christmas break comes around and he tells me he loves me, so I obviously said it back. I regret it." I sigh taking a breath as the horrible memory comes back, "Then, three months later I found out he had been sleeping with other girls around the school since the beginning of Junior year. He played me and I fell for it." I say, not even noticing the couple of tears I let escape. It hurt and still does.

"I'm so sorry Collins. You don't deserve that." he says pulling me to his side.

"It made me stronger." I admit shrugging my shoulders.

"Gosh your so amazing." Harry sighs kissing the top of my head.

I don't reply, I just snuggle into him closer. We lay in that exact position for a while, just watching the stars slowing appear.

"Ready to Run." he says randomly, causing me so confusion.

"What?" I ask.

"The song I wrote about you." he says closing his eyes as he lays his head back onto the grass, leaving me breathless.

I'm actually in love with this chapter
I can't stop listening to Fools Gold oh myyyy.

what's your favorite song off four

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