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•that's collins outfit for the dayyy•
Today is that last day in Florida. We've done nothing really all morning, just hung around the hotel. Now, it's time for their last performance of the trip tonight.

I'm leaving in the morning for Dallas, Harrys going to Australia.

I just got off the phone with my Mom, regarding the plans for the flights and Harry staying.

Harry is going to Australia for about 5 days, then he is flying to Dallas. I'll pick him up from the airport and he'll stay for 3 days and then he has to go to London for a while. I will fly to back to LA 2 days later.

Honestly, I'm very excited to see my family.

Harry and the boys are performing in about 3 hours. I'm ready, Harry is not. He is running through out the hotel room looking for certain items or trying to find his other shoe.

To pass time, a take a seat on the couch and open up Twitter. I don't think any of the fans have figured out who I was. They don't even know my name.

I feel ridiculous for even caring as much as I do. I shouldn't care if people have negative opinions towards me, but I always have. I don't mean to, it just happens.

So, I go to the search bar and type in 'Harry.' and automatically, 'Harrys new girlfriend.' pops up.

"Shit." I mutter to myself as I tap on it.

Images of me from yesterday appear. One of them was me holding Harry's hand yesterday before he got sick after we rode the large rise. Another was of me yesterday morning walking next to Eleanor and Sophia.

Some of the post were positive but some were not so nice.

'I can already tell Harrys new girlfriend is a total bitch.' one tweet read.

Gee, Thanks.

'Harrys new girlfriend looked so lost yesterday. She doesn't belong with him.'

'Harrys new girlfriend is pretty and all, I just can't see them two together personally.'

Finally, I made it to a tweet that actually made me smile a bit, 'Harrys new girlfriend is absolutely gorgeous. Stop hating on her just because you aren't her.'

"Hey, ready?" Harrys voice startles me, making me jump. I quickly close out of Twitter and stand up.

"Yeah," I smile.

"Okay, we can head down stairs." he says holding out his hand for mine.

I slip my hand into his and we walk out the door.

Even though we aren't even an official couple, it feels like it. I would like to think that sometime soon we will be a couple.

My mother is overly excited about me bringing a guy home. I haven't had a serious relationship since junior year of high school. Both of parents know that I'm bringing home Harry Styles. My mother knows of him through my little sister, Ashley. After talking to both of my parents, we agreed that it would be better not to even tell her that I'm bringing a guy home for them to meet. She would ask way to many questions and eventually find out and freak. So, I'll have to tell her myself or actually, I don't even know how to come across it.

'Hey Ashley, Funny story. Harry Styles is going to be here in an hour and is going to be staying with us for the rest of the week.'


The show was a success, as usual.

The fans loved it and and the boys loved the fans.

Now, we were all on our way back to the hotel to get rested up for the long flights tomorrow.

We all quickly, made our way up to our private floor.

"Well Collins, our flight leaves very very early in the morning so I guess I'm going to say my goodbyes tonight. It was absolutely lovely to meet you." Anne says wrapping her arms around me.

"Oh yes, It was great meeting you as well. I hope to see you soon." I smile as I hug her back.

Once we release she walks over to her waiting son and Gemma approaches me.

"Oh Collins, it was amazing to meet you. You keep my brother in line. I hope to see you soon." she says hugging me.

"You too Gemma! As for your brother, I can't make any promises." I laugh.

She laughs along with me as she pulls out her phone, "Here, type in your number." she says handing me her phone.

I do as she says, sending a quick text to my self so I could have her number as well.

I stood off to the side as they said their goodbyes, not wanting to interrupt the family time.

"Well, Goodnight!" Anne says as they start walking down the hallway.

"Night, love you mom and gem." he says waving at them

"Love you too," they say at once.

Then Harry and I walk into the hotel room.

"I'm exhausted," he yawns as he walks towards the bedroom.

"I bet," I giggle following him.

He bends over and grabs a T-shirt and a pair of sweats from the his suitcase and walks to the bathroom to change.

While he's changing, I start to gather my things so I can just wake up and leave in the morning. Possibly getting to sleep a little bit longer.

I lay out my clothes that I plan on wearing tomorrow as well as my pajamas.

Harry walks back into the bedroom with his hair in a bun and a tooth brush hanging out of his mouth.

He grabs something from his bag and walks back out. While he's out, I change into my pajamas.

I throw my hair in a pony tail as I walk to join Harry in the bathroom.

"You want the shower tonight?" he ask as I reach for my toothbrush.

"No, you can. I'll take one in the morning. It'll wake me up." I answer.

"Sounds good," he chuckles.

The tweets that I had read this morning still were fresh in my head. I shouldn't let them get to me but for some odd reason... they are, majorly.

"Hey Harry?" I say softly glancing his direction.

"Hmm?" he hums as he gathers his things.

"What happens if your fans don't agree with our relationship or w-whatever it is we have going on? It sounds childish of me to ask but I was just thinking about it I guess." I say looking down at my feet the whole time.

He starts laughing loudly, making my face color red, "Collins, babe, you have nothing to worry about. We don't need the fans approval. Also, while we are on the topic. No looking at hate tweets about you or our relationship. They are pointless and horrible but will eventually get to you. Just stay clear of them." he says wrapping his arms around my waist, I automatically feel relaxed.

"How about you go ahead and go to bed while I take my shower?" he suggest.

I just shake my head okay,

"Okay Goodnight Collins," he says leaning down to kiss me sweetly

"Night Harry," I whisper back, standing on my toes to kiss his cheek.


hello hello hello

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