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The crowd was screaming louder than Friday night. It's the end of their tour, so it's very very loud tonight.
The atmosphere of this show is more fun than Friday's in my opinion. The boys keep giving thanks to the fans for what they've done for them, they really appreciate the fans.
Now, we are waiting for the boys to come back onto stage for the encore.
"So, that guy will come get us again?" Lydia ask regarding the plan Niall told me earlier. We've talked about it and decided that we would all just ride to Harrys with Niall and I.
"Yes, Niall said that he'd be here around the same time as last time." I answer.
"Okay, great." Lydia smiles.
Kiley's mood changed quickly when she saw Harry wasn't flirting with her the whole show like he previously did.
Now she knows how it feels.
"I might ride with the guys, I'm not sure yet." Kiley said fiddling with the Bottom of her shorts.
I mentally roll my eyes,"Okay, yeah whatever." I mumble turning away from the conversation.
Every tiny thing Kiley has said and done has made me either annoyed or angry these past couple days. I almost have to cover my mouth before I let something slip, that I would regret.
"I'll ride with you and Niall." Lydia says lowering her voice to where only Kiley and I could hear.
"Okay." I chuckle.
Music starts playing once again and the crowd goes crazy.
"Here they come." Lyida yells.
The boys were getting ready to sing the last song, Liam was giving a grateful speech.
The other boys were scattered across the stage, Louis sitting on a step, Zayn walking upstage, Niall and Harry in a conversation to the side of the stage.
I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, I dig it out and see I have a message from Niall.
I looked up to where Niall and Harry were standing, both looking my direction.
I open his text message and see a picture of him and Harry making possibly the dumbest faces I've ever seen. With the picture read... 'hope you don't mind, harrold is goin to be riden with us to his place. he invited himself.'
My smile from the funny picture quickly fades as the realization that Harry will be in the back seat of my car.
"Shit." I whisper to myself.
I look back up at the boys and see Harry smiling and Niall paying no attention to anything in particular.
I just text back with a simple,'ok' and put my phone away.
Tony came and got us and took us the same exact way as Friday.
We went back to same room and all sat down on the couch.
"My feet are killing me." Kiley whines slipping her shoes off, which I might add, are heels.
"That's why you don't wear heels to a concert Kiley." Lydia sighs.
"I know, never again. They just looked so cute with my outfit." she explains.
Neither Lyida or I say another word about her shoes after.
I haven't told the girls that Harry is riding with us. I probably should tell them about that...
"Hey, I forgot to tell yall. Harry is riding with Niall and I to his house." I say quickly.
"Oh, in that case, I'll just ride with the others." Kiley shrugs playing with the ends of her hair.
"Really?" I say in shock.
"Yes, really. Gotta play hard to get." She says sending a over dramatic wink my direction.
"Your kidding me right?" I say with no emotion.
"I'm being serious." she confirms getting up from her spit on the couch.
"And what makes you think Mr.Styles wants anything to do with you?" Lydia says adding some humor to a very very true statement.
She stays quiet for a little bit before turning around and obnoxiously slapping her butt and saying,"Because who wouldn't want a piece of this."
Lydia and Kiley both burst out in a fit of giggles, but me? I sit there quiet, scrolling through pointless Instagram post as always.
The door opens and in walks Niall and Harry with a pair of changed clothes on their bodies.
"Hello hello." Niall cheers walking over to give us hugs.
"Hi guys." Lydia says getting up from the couch, I guess I should do the same.
"Great show." I say with a smile.
"Thanks, glad you enjoyed it." Harry replies quickly, grinning at me. I ignore his nice smile and choose to look away.
Niall takes me into his arms and gives me a hug,"Good to see ya again." he says.
"You too." I laugh.
We pull away and both find a pair of green eyes staring at us intensely.
Kiley and Lydia were both talking about something that was making them giggle.
"You should go talk to him." Niall attempts to whisper in my ear, but fails terribly, causing both Harry and I to start laughing.
"You can't whisper to save your life." I say laughing.
"I've been told." he laughs.
The conversation ended, leaving an awkward pause.
Should I go talk to him? No. He can come talk to me and possibly apologize for the way he's been acting.
Right then, the door opens and the other three guys walk in and two brunettes.
"Hey." Louis says placing his hand on the shorter brunettes back, I'm guessing that's his girlfriend.
"Hey." Lydia says walking over to introduce herself to the girls, I do the same and Kiley follows.
I quickly learn that their names are Eleanor and Sophia, Louis and Liam's girlfriends.
They both seem very sweet.
"Well, it looks like we can leave here in about thirty minutes." Liam informs us.
"Okay, well Collins, we can probably start walking to your car. It's a pretty long walk." Harry says, giving me butterflies.
Why the hell do I have butterflies, he made a statement, he didn't say anything worth getting butterflies over.
"Y-Yeah, probably." I stutter. Gosh, that's embarrassing.
"Yeah, so if your riding with us. Let's go." Harry yells clapping his hands.
Lydia starts walking it was quickly pulled back Kiley,signaling Lydia was to stay.
Lydia mouths a sorry and returns to the conversation.
Great, just great. Niall, me and Harry all together.
Niall and Harry played a game of rock,paper,scissors to decide who rode where.
Niall won, Harry climbed into the backseat and sat in the middle seat but scooted up so we could rest his elbows on the shoulder of the seats.
"So, where to?" I ask starting my car.
"I like your car." Harry complements, ignoring my question.
"Thank you. Directions?" I say smiling.
"Oh yes, uh... drive out of the parking lot." he says, stating the obvious.
"Well thanks for stating the obvious." I laugh.
"Dumb ass." Niall mumbles laughing.
"You didn't let me finish," he says laughing, "then drive up the road and make a left and get onto the interstate like your going towards Beverly Hills." he explains.
"That sounds better." I laugh.
I pull out of the parking lot and follow his directions.

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