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"Never again," Harry sighs, resting his hands on the top of his head.

"Aw, did the big roller coaster mess Harry's tummy up?" I say in my best baby voice as I wrap my arms around his waist.

"Yeah yeah, shut up." he groans pulling away from me, causing me to laugh.

We've all been wanting to ride this ride all day long, it's the biggest. Harry has been able to keep his stomach down all day, but I'm not so sure about this ride. While we were in ride he nervously rocked back and forth on his heels or leaning against the wall. He kept claiming he wasn't nervous, but his actions were proving other wise.

"Harry, how ya feeling?" Liam ask smiling as he pats his back.

"Shut up Liam." Harry groans as he rolls his eyes.

"Harry lets get you some shade." Gemma laughs.

"No I'm fine." he insist dropping his hands to his side.

"how about that one next?" Louis ask pointing at a large ride to the left.

"Let's get at It." Zayn yells clapping his hands together.

"Perfect." Niall says obviously excited.

Everyone starts walking that direction but Harry stayed behind still obviously a little stunned.

I turn around and walk towards Harry, resting my hand on his arm, "How about we go back to the hotel room so you can rest?" I suggest.

"Yes, please." he sighs.

"Okay, yeah. Let me go tell the others." I say as I lace my fingers through his own.

We start walking towards the group, assisted by some body guards. Fans were following in herds. It was crazy. They would literally charge the boys.

"Hey, Harry who's the girl?" a girl yells, a fan.

Harry ignores the question and just squeezes my hand instead.

"Harry pictures please?" another says begging.

"No pictures today ladies, sorry." one of the large security workers says.

"Oh come on, please." another girl scoffs.

"Harry isn't feeling well. Please back up." he speaks again.

Some do back up, others ignore him and just get closer. I was already highly uncomfortable, I can't imagine Harry feeling this way every time he goes out.

Finally, I get Louis' attention, telling him we are going to head back to the hotel rather than staying. After informing him, we started to quickly walk to the car.


"Harry, you need some water or tea or anything. Just liquids." I say as I cup his cheek.

He is currently sprawled out on the couch, still nauseas and out of it.

"Just water," he finally obliges.

I quickly walk into the kitchen and pour a glass of water.

"Here," I say handing him the glass.

"thanks," he sighs, quickly drinking it.

"I need to throw up, why won't it come up," he yells throwing his head back.

I giggle softly, sitting down next to him, "Just rest, and no more roller coasters."

He laughs quietly, "Yeah."

Slowly but surely, Harry and I fell asleep.

My head rested on his shoulder, his head rested on my own.

Suddenly, I feel my head fall, his shoulder gone. I open my eyes and see Harry in a full sprint to the bathroom.

I quickly jump up and run after him, knowing exactly what he's getting ready to do.

I walk in to the bathroom and find Harry bent over the toilet, emptying his stomach's contents.

I quietly walk up behind him and softly rub his back.

"Collins, you don't have to do this. It's gross, you can wait In the living room. It's alright." he says closing his eyes.

"No no, it's okay Harry." I whisper as I place a light kiss on his shoulder.

He starts to throw up once again, my hand still trying my best to comfort him.

"I think I'm done." he says as he stands up. He flushes the toilet and walks to the sink to brush his teeth.

"Feel better?" I ask sliding on to the counter.

"Much," he says the best as he can with a tooth brush in his mouth.

"That's good." I smile.

He spits his tooth paste into the sink and wipes his mouth with a towel.

"Thank you for being so sweet and not running away when you heard me throwing up." he says laughing.

"Anytime," I chuckle.

He helps me down off the counter and we walk into the bedroom. Harry changes into a different shirt and climbs under the covers.

"Come on, we have to finish our nap." he smiles childishly.

"Yes Harry, we certainly do." I smile before I crawl under the covers with him, my body cuddling into his quickly finding sleep.


that was so short and oh my that's so many fillers UGH.

do you ever just rewatch your concert videos thinking 'oh dang I was actually there wtf.' bc same.

sorry this chapter was boring:-(

thanks and love you alllll.

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