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song for this chapter:
•Wildest Dreams - Taylor Swift.
-The song doesn't really go with the chapter, I'm just in love with her new album...
Lydia was nervously picking at her nails, Kiley was checking her makeup in the mirror and I was awkwardly sitting on the couch sending my sister the pictures and videos I promised.
"Any second now." Kiley says quietly.
"Yay." I sarcastically mutter under my breath to where I can only hear it.
I have decided I'm not going to act like a brat. I'm going to have fun and if Harry talks to me, I'll talk to him. Other wise, my mouth stays shut. I'll talk to the other boys openly, they all seem nice.
Lydia sighs the words,"Well I'm g-" but was soon cut off by the sound of the door opening.
Kiley's head swung fast along with Lydia's. I quickly looked up from my phone and automatically made eye contact with the blonde one, Niall.
I smile and stand to my feet to greet him.
"Hi, I'm Niall!" he says, his Irish accent ringing.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Collins." I reply sweetly.
"Same goes for you." he says, then averting his attention to Kiley and introduces himself.
Liam and Louis walked in next and Zayn not far behind them.
They were all very nice. But I found it hard to engage in any conversation with the thought that Harry could walk through the door any second.
I found my seat once again, this time Niall sat beside me.
"Hope you enjoyed the show." he chuckles laying back.
"The show was great. I most certainly enjoyed it!" I answered smiling at him.
"Great, glad to hear." he replies.
"So, do you live in LA?" he ask sitting up and shifting his shoulders towards me.
"Yeah, but originally from Texas." I say.
"Love the Texas weather, very hot." he laughs.
"Yes, that is." I laugh with him.
"Where about are you from in Texas?" he ask.
"Around Dallas!" I answer.
"Yeah yeah, I love Dallas." he says smiling.
I laugh, "Yeah, it's a nice place."
"Yeah." I say shortly, agreeing with his statement.
"Harrold! So nice of you to join us!" Liam cheers loudly.
I swing my head around faster than I intended. Sure enough there he was, standing tall in the door way in a white T-shirt and black jeans. He had changed clothes from his previous ones he wore during the show. I found my self frozen, unable to make emotion out or say anything.
In my head, I made this scenario out to be a lot more simple than it really was.
"Sorry, I uh- had to change and stuff." he shrugs with a grin.
Why does he have to be so damn attractive.
"We've made some friends." Niall yells as he stands up, laughing at himself.
I took my eyes off Harry and turned to Niall who was walking toward Harry.
Then, I looked over to Kiley and Lyida.
Kiley was smiling at Harry, even though he wasn't paying any mind to her (thankfully.) Lydia was chatting with Liam about some club they both enjoyed.
When I turned my head again, my eyes met familiar green ones. He was staring right at me, putting me in the position I hated the most.
I just stared back, not smiling, just staring into his eyes. He starting smiling, showing his dimples. That's when I looked away, turning my attention to my freshly painted nails.
I probably seemed so intimated. Which I was, sorta. I guess I wouldn't call it intimation, more that being unsure. Hell if I know.
When I looked back, Harry was up close with Kiley, talking about something that was making her giggle.
Of course he went right to her, I was dumb to even have the slightest thought of him acknowledging me.
I looked back down at my nails, unsure of what to do. Damn, this sucks.
They all probably thought I was a unsocial freak.
This time when I looked up, everyone was making there way to the door.
"Collins ya comin'?" Niall yelled holding the door open for me.
"Yeah!" I said back, slipping him a smile.
Niall seemed like a very nice guy, I liked him.
I walked to the door and Niall and I started walking down the hallway, the others were a ways ahead.
"Don't take Harry personally, he can be confusin' at times." he says elbowing my side.
Wait, what did he just say? He knows about me and Harry?
I felt my eyes widen as I turned to look at him.
"I was the one who took the picture Collins." he said laughing.
"You remember?" I say in shock.
"How could I forget? Harry hasn't shut up about you since it happened. 'Niall I need to see her' and 'Niall there is something different about this girl, I have to her.' " he says mimicking Harrys British accent, causing me to laugh.
"I'm surprised you remember. Kiley, uh she still doesn't know it was yall that day. She probably would freak out in all honesty." I laugh.
"Yeah uh, she is uh, how do I put it, flirty?" he chuckles.
"Very flirty, Niall." I agree, as I look down at my shoes.
"Harry is being dumb right now. It'll hit him soon, what he's missing." Niall says.
"I hope your right." I say before I can't stop myself.
"Shit, I wasn't supposed to say that out loud. Dammit." I say covering my face.
He laughs, "Don't worry, this can stay between us. Don't go tell Harry what I told you, he'll kill me with his bare hands." He says as we turn a corner.
"Deal." I sigh with relief.
"So, since we are being honest here. You didn't come to this concert by choice did ya?" he says digging his hands into the pocket of his black jeans.
I laugh, "That obvious?"
"Yeah, I know that because you chose to sit on the couch instead of socializing with the boys and we are way back here and they are way up there." he says.
"Yeah, I kinda was forced to come. But I'm glad I did, the show was absolutely a blast!" I say honestly.
"Glad you liked it."
"Question. Where are we going?" I ask him.
"There is football goals set up for us to play backstage. We play when we get bored." he laughs.
"Oh Fun." I sigh, crossing my arms suddenly getting cold.
"Yeah, it's just up here to the left I think. It's a new venue, I'm always getting confused." he admits.
Sure enough, when we turned the corner there everyone was. Louis and Liam passing the ball, Zayn was no longer with them, Lyida was passing the ball with the two boys.
Harry was chasing Kiley around, she had something of his and he wanted it back. A.K.A 'I'm gonna take something of Harrys so he has to chase me and possibly wrap his arms around me' plan.
"Just don't take them personally." Niall says as he notices me watching them.
I just give him a somewhat reassuring smile and follow him over to where Liam was.
"We thought you guys got lost." Louis says passing the ball to Lyida, who passed it to Liam with no problem. She played soccer in high school.
Zayn reappears, with a changed shirt and jeans. Instead of playing with the guys he sits on one of the golf carts seats.
I decide that's what I want to do as well, so I walk over to him and sit in the golf cart next to him.
"Do you mind if I sit here?" I ask him shyly.
"Not at all." he answers.
"I'm not a big soccer player." I admit chuckling.
He laughs, "Normally I would be out there as well, I'm just exhausted tonight." he says.
"Me too, I don't know how they are out there playing." I say watching them all.
"I'm thinking about going to sleep right here." he admits.
"I won't judge. Go for it." I tell him.
"I'm serious, I am." he says laying down.
"Night." I laugh.
I look up and find Kiley thrown over Harrys shoulder.
I want to scream on the top of my lungs. My insides are raging.
"Harry put me down." she shrieks as she slaps his butt.
"What the hell." I mutter to myself in disbelief.
He sits her down and fixes her dress for her, she thanks him and skips off towards Lyida. Of course he follows.
Why did I ever think this would work? Never will Harry have the same feelings as I do him. I hate this, I've never had to experience this. I've never felt like this for anyone. This is absolutely crazy to be saying. We haven't even had a decent conversation since the store ordeal.
Why why why.
I look for Niall and find him looking at me with an sympathetic look.
I've had enough of this, my eyes are watering.
I wipe the tears away before anyone sees. I've got to go before I completely kill my 'best friend.'
I stand up, "I'm gonna go, nice to meet you Zayn." I say walking away. He Doenst reply, he must've really fell asleep.
"Hey, perfect, Collins is on my team!" Niall yells.
I shake my head no and force a smile across my face,"I'm going to get going, I'm tired."
"Oh come on, one game?" he says pouting.
"I can't Niall, I'll drop over and fall asleep." I lie.
"Then it probably it's not safe for you to be driving, we can get someone to take you girls home later." Harry suddenly says.
"I'm fine. I can make it home, it isn't that far of a drive." I say not even looking his direction.
"Well we want to stay."Kiley says placing her hand on Harrys arms, sending chills over my body out of anger.
"Then I can take yall home later." Harry says looking down at her with a grin.
"Ok, very nice meeting you all! Hopefully I will see you at Sundays show." I say remembering that Lydia had gotten us tickets for that show also.
Liam and Louis give me hugs, I walk away to quickly for Harry to even say a word to me.
Niall insisted in walking me to the door.
"We are going to be in LA for a while. I'm gonna give you my number so we can maybe get together sometime. Just keep it to your self please. Last thing I need is thousands of phone calls." he chuckles.
I hand him my phone and he enters my number and calls himself.
"Okay, thank you for being such great company tonight." I say smiling at him.
"I enjoyed it! I'm being serious about Harry don't take it to hard, he'll come around." he says winking.
He steps forward and gives me a hug.
"I'll see you Sunday?" he says.
"Front row." I laugh as I walk out the door to my car.
Finally, I was able to cry out loud and let the anger and frustration out that I'd been holding in all night.
I hope it makes sense omg.
Harrys being a jerk GAH.


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