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|:| A/n this chapter is from Harry's POV. |:|


a beautiful stranger..

I stare down at the three words, written in black ink.

Just a beautiful stranger Harry, nothing more. Just a complete stranger who erupted feelings within you with one simple kiss.

If she was just 'a beautiful stranger' then why the hell can I not stop thinking about her. Her gorgeous brown eyes, pale soft skin and long brown hair. I had her picture still fresh in my mind.

I probably sound obsessive and if I ever told anyone these things, they would probably refer me to a shrink.

I doubt she even remembers the kiss, she probably had a boyfriend back home.

She didn't recognize me, or us. We were able to act like civilized people for 10 minutes. She doesn't know my name, she didn't know that she kiss 'Harry Styles.' She thought nothing more of me then a complete stranger.

I loved how I was able to make her blush, the red filling her face when I would talk to her.

Just to know her name would be heavenly. Just to see her face once more would be perfect. Just once more.

A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts along with a familiar Irish voice,"Harry, we've got to get the airport. Let's go."

I shut my leather journal and stand up from my previous sitting spot,"Okay." I mutter.

I expected Niall to close the door and leave, but instead he walked into the hotel room, closing the door behind him, "You okay, mate? You've seen sorta quiet lately, everything alright?" he ask, concern in his eyes.

"Y-yeah." I stutter, blinking away her picture.

"don't lie." he says, laying down on the unmade bed.

"You'll think I'm crazy." I tell him.

"try me."

I sigh, I can't believe I'm doing this,"Okay, do you remember the girl from New York? The one I kissed?"

He chuckles,"Yeah, how could I forget, you were buzzed over her for days"

"Yeah, well I still can't get off my mind Niall. It's been 3 damn months and I still have her face stuck in my head, I swear I'm not crazy, I just- don't know what to make of it. ya know?" I tell him, rubbing my eyes with the palm of my hand.

"Haz, calm down. It's alright. You obviously have special feelings towards this girl, if it's meant to be you two will find each other later." he says, rubbing my back, trying to soothe me.

I stand up quickly, "Yeah, your right. Let's get going, they're probably waiting." I say, dismissing the topic.

If it's meant to be, we'll find each other once again.



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