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I had the whole apartment to myself today, Kiley and Lydia had work this afternoon. I get weekends off. They some times have to work Sunday afternoons, today is one of those days.

I've dedicated this whole day to cleaning out my closet, it's been needed to be done. It's overflowing with clothes, half I don't even wear. There is some probably from High School. I hate getting rid of clothes.

The clothes that I don't want anymore, I usually just mail back to Texas for my little sister, Ashley. She's 15, and a mini me basically. Already obsessed with clothes and the city life.

Ed Sheeran was blasting through out my room. I sung along as I tossed clothes into different piles.

Speaking of Ashely, I haven't talked to her in a while. I shut off my music and pick up my phone and dial her phone. I fall back onto my bed.

"Hello?" a familiar voice answers.

"Hey Ash" I say into the phone.

"What's up? I haven't talked to you in forever." she says.

"I know, seems like it. But uh, anyways, I'm cleaning out my closet and I have tones of clothes I'm shipping back home. They're yours if you want them." I tell her.

"Yay! Finally. Okay, sounds good!" she screams into the phone, causing me to laugh.

"Well, what have y'all been up to?" I ask.

"Nothing much. Just getting ready for school sadly." she answers.

"How are Mom and Dad?" I ask curiously.

"Good I guess. They miss you, Mom was talking about maybe flying you home for the weekend soon" she informs me.

"Yeah, that sounds good." I tell her.

"Maybe I could come stay with you sometime?" she says, hinting that she is coming soon.

"That would be fun. We will have to pick out a week sometime for you to come stay with us" I tell her, smiling.

"Sounds good." she giggles.

"Well, I'm going to get back to cleaning so, I'll talk to you soon. Love you" I speak into the phone.

"Yeah, okay. Love you too" she says, hanging up the phone.

I set my phone down and switch my Ed back on before returning to my closet.


"Kiley! Collins! Hurry, come in here" Lydia yells, she must've just got home.

Kiley and I walk out of our rooms, confused about what Lydia was so excited about.

Kiley had just arrived home from 'work' (it's not really work in my opinion. she gets to take pictures all day) so she was in the middle of getting her relaxing time in.

"What?" I ask, joining her in the kitchen.

"Guess what?" she says in almost a whisper.

"What?" Kiley says back, throwing her arms up.

"So, on my way home I stopped by and got something." she starts, digging in her purse.

"Yeah and.." Kiley pushes.

"Well, that something may or not be 3 1st row seats to the One Direction concert this Friday night." she screams, pulling out three white tickets.

"No damn way." Kiley yells, slapping the counter with her hand.

"I swear." Lydia giggles, passing the tickets for Kiley to see.

"I thought there was like noway to get tickets anymore." Kiley says, inspecting the tickets.

"Yeah, well I know people." Lydia says crossing her arms, pleased with herself.

"This Friday?" I confirm.

"Yes, I may be able to get some for the Sunday show as well, I'm still unsure about those. I should know soon if I can those." she informs us.

"Sunday is their last day of tour." Kiley adds.

"Yeah, that's why I want to go." Lydia says.

I stood quietly, taken back from the whole ordeal.

"Y'all are 20 years olds, why are you both acting like 14 year olds?" I say, sounding ruder than I planned.

"We aren't. It's not like we are going to show up head to toe in merch. We are going for a good time Collins" Lydia says, glaring at me.

I put my hands up, telling her to back away,"I don't want to go" I whine.

I don't want to see Harry. I told my self I was going to forget about him.

No more Harry.

"Well, too bad. You are going" Lydia demands.

I roll my eyes,"I already have plans" I lie.

Kiley and Lydia exchange looks of disbelief and then start laughing loudly.

"Liar" Kiley says, laughing.

"What the hell? What makes you think I don't have some hot date" I protest.

"Because we are your best friends. Collins doesn't go on dates, she stays in her room and watches Tv on Friday nights unless we drag you out." Lydia answers quickly.

I sigh loudly and roll my eyes,"I just don't want to go" I say.

"Why?" They both ask.

"Because, I rather not have thousands of girls screaming in my ear for hours. I think it's horrible how girls just throw them selves at these 5 guys, they don't even know them" I tell them.

"Okay mom." Kiley scoffs.

"You're coming Collins" Lydia says.



"No" I raise my voice.

"If you come I will make sure we go to the Ed Sheeran concert" Lydia says.

My eyes widen at her offer. How I would love to see Ed. I just don't want to see Harry.

Screw it.

"Fine" I sigh, my arms uncrossing.

"Perfect" Lydia sings.

"Just please, don't act like an obsessed teenager." I say, closing my eyes.

"I've got everything planned out. We'll look smoking hot, our clothes hot but not slutty. We are going to stand out. Collins, we will be taking your car." she informs.

"what?" I say quickly.

"because, you have a cool car." she answers simply.

"what about Kiley's? " I argue.

"No, we are taking yours." Kiley argues back.

"Whatever" I sigh, rolling my eyes annoyed at the whole thing. What the hell was so cool about my car? It's just a freakin black jeep Rubicon my Dad got me when I announced I was moving to LA.

"So anyways, we will just play it by ear." she says winking.

I simply sigh and walk away, making it clear I didn't care.

I'm doing the total opposite of avoiding him.


Yes, I'm aware LA isn't the last city of the WWAT. I changed it so the story would flow better.

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