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I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. My eyes burned and all I wanted was to fall back asleep. But, it was almost impossible for me to fall back asleep. So, I rolled out of bed and drug myself to the bathroom to take a shower.

After my long shower, I walked into the kitchen were I saw Kiley and Lydia.

"Morning princess," Lydia jokes as she sips her orange juice.

"Morning," I mumble quietly.

"I missed you," Kiley says quickly wrapping her arms around me.

"You too." I reply slowly making my way out of her arms, not in the mood for her crap.

I walk over to the fridge and open it, finding a almost completely empty fridge.

"I'll go to the store today I guess." I say a little harsher than planned, I then exited the kitchen, walking back to my room.

I apply my make up and pull my hair up in a pony tail, getting ready to go to the store.

I haven't even checked my phone all morning. When I finally do, I see I have a missed call from Ashley and a text from Niall telling me to call him when I have the chance.
I figure I'll call them back once I get into the car.
I slide my phone into my sweat-shirt pocket and start walking back to the kitchen.

When I walk into the kitchen, I find Kiley and Lydia staring at a laptop with big eyes.

"What are yall looking at?" I ask quickly as I walk over.

"N-Nothing." Lydia says quickly shutting the computer.

"Uh huh, let me see the computer." I say sitting across from the two.

They both exchange looks before Lydia finally slides the laptop over. I grab it and open it slowly, not sure if I even want to see what they're hiding.

When I open it, my insides felt that they dropped. I sat there with a shocked expression on my face as I looked at the picture in front of me.

'Harry Styles seen leaving a LA club in the early hours of the morning with a familiar model.' attached was a picture of Harry and the blonde model exiting the club, his arm securely wrapped around her waist. It goes on to say, 'Sources say that Styles and the model were getting close through out the night, often exchange whispers and small smiles towards each other. They wouldn't leave each other's sides the whole night, escaping the crowd to sneak a couple of dances in. Could this be Harry's new love interest? What about his recent lady he was seen with only 2 weeks ago? Moving on so fast Harry? Mr.Styles is certainly a ladies man.'

My vision was getting foggy as I continued to look at the pictures of them together, her head in his shoulder to escape the paparazzi's harsh flashes.

I was literally breaking as I looked at the pictures.

"Collins I-I'm so sorry." Lydia says pulling the laptop away from my line of vision.

I take in a deep breath and blink away the threatening tears before speaking, "No it's fine. We ended things anyways."

"Oh we had no idea, this must hurt. I'm so sorry Collins." Kiley says shocked.

"No don't feel bad. I'm not upset at all, I'm actually amused at this, Anyways, if you will excuse me, I'm going to go the grocery store." I say my voice cracking slightly towards the end. I grab my bag and quickly exit, avoiding further questions.


The phone rang and rang before Niall finally answered, I put it on speaker phone and laid it in my lap.

"Collins?" he says loudly.

"Hey Niall," I say with a small smile.

"How ya doin?" he ask in a sincere tone.

"Oh g-good I guess." I say softly.

"I'm sorry Collins. He's being a dick, I know. I'm gonna try and talk some sense into him once he finally comes back home." he sighs.

He spent the night with her?

I don't even reply, I don't know how.

"Oh shit Collins I'm sorry, I just made this worse I apologize." he says.

"No it's okay." I lie.

"This isn't like Harry, his emotions are just screwed up right now." he explains.

"Yeah so are mine." I say letting it slip out.

"Everything will eventually be okay." he says.

There was something about the way he said the words that sent my emotions crazy. Tears stared running down my face.

"Niall I don't know." I say trying to keep the tears from changing my tone.

"What even happened? If you don't mind me asking."

"He doesn't want us to be an official couple." I answer.

"You've gotta be kidding me. He doesn't shut up about you for three months and then I endure another three months of non-stop talk about you and he's doesn't want to be a official couple? He's lost his damn mind. That's exactly what he wants." Niall says obviously as angry as I am.

"Yeah basically," I sigh.

"He is absolutely nuts, your all he wants for crying out loud. Harry is honestly such a dumb ass- hey speaking of the dumb ass himself there he is. Yeah you Harry, sit your ass down we've gotta talk you dick." and then phone went dead, leaving me slightly confused.

That is why I love Niall.


I finally got food for us. Now I was just walking out of the grocery store trying to remember what aisle I parked on.

Suddenly, I lady runs up to me making me jump.

"Hi do you mind answering a couple of questions?" she automatically ask.

"I uh-" she cuts me off.

"Great, do you know Harry Styles personally?" she ask making me roll my eyes.

"Uh yeah I guess." I answer.

"What did you think of the pictures from last night of Harry?" she ask.

"I- uh actually no comment." I decide to stay safe.

"And how would you describe you and Harry's relationship?" she finally ask.

I think over the question before finally answering, "There isn't one."

I then walk away not wanting to answer any more questions about Harry.



Fun Fact: I'm writing a Niall book (:

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