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that's Collins and Lydia

The groceries were all unloaded, finally.

While I was away, the girls planned a whole night devoted to making me happy.

"We're terribly sorry for totally ditching you when you got home. That was awfully rude." Lydia apologizes. "It was extremely low of me to go out on a date and for Kiley to stay with her boyfriend."

"Ex-boyfriend." Kiley quickly corrects.

"Already?" I say not-so-shocked.

"Yeah he wasn't worth the time." she shrugs.

Her comment was able to make me smile and slightly giggle.

"There we go, your already smiling and the fun hasn't even started. Now, I'll go fetch the movies and Kiley, you go get the snacks." Lydia says and they both quickly exit the living room.

I take it upon myself to make myself comfortable on the couch, wrapping my self in my favorite blanket.

"Okay choose away," Lydia says dropping me five different movies in my lap.

"Uh, I'll go with the good classic, breakfast club." I sigh grabbing it and placing the others on the side table.

Lydia grabs the movie and walks to the TV to insert it.

"Nerds for Collins. Star burst for Lydia. And finally, skittles for me." Kiley says passing out the candy.

"Thank you guys. Yall really don't have to go through all this trouble to make me 'happy.' Truth is, I'm already feeling better." I say with my most convincing smile.

"Cut the bullshit Collins and watch the movie." Lydia sighs.

It was worth a shot.


Sadly, today I was back at work. Yesterday was much needed, it was great to spend time with my friends.

"Hi I'm Collins, you need any help?" I ask with my best smile as a customer walks in.

The guy slips his shades off and I'm met with a familiar pair of eyes.

"Hey Collins it's me, Niall." he whispers quickly sliding the shades back on.

"Niall? What are yo-" I was cut off by his hand clamping over my mouth.

"Sshh, I haven't been spotted yet and I'd like to keep it that way." he says finally removing his hand.

I look around the store to make sure no one is watching us. Luckily, I find all of the customers assisted or busy.

I sigh and connect my hand with his wrist, grabbing it, "Come with me."

I drag him to the back of the store stopping by to tell a worker to cover for me for a small amount of time.

I lead Niall to the back office where he finally has a seat, removing his sunglasses.

"What are you doing here?" I automatically ask leaning up against the desk.

"To talk." he answers

"About what?"

"You and Harry. He won't leave his room. Im actually really worried." he sighs.

"First of all, there is no 'Me and Harry.' and second of all, why should I care? He brought this upon him self." I answer.

"You're right, he did bring this upon himself. But just from talking to him and watching him, I can tell he regrets it. Majorly." he informs me.

"Niall if you came here to get us back together, it's not happening. Our life styles are to different, he has millions of people supporting and watching his every move. I'm just an ordinary girl who works as an LA mall." I tell him.

"But I bet, if you two were willing to make it work it would. Harry is really fond of you. I know he can be a sick sometimes, but in reality he's one of the sweetest guys you'll ever meet. Harry has major feelings for you Collins and I can tell you gave feelings for him. You two will end up together, I promise." he lectures.

I stand there and review all of the facts he just stated.

"But if Harry is so 'fond' of me why did he not want an actual relationship with me?" I ask.

"Hey I never said he was smart. Harry has been hurt one too many times. He doesn't allow himself to trust, he working on it. You were good for him." he says.

"I-I don't know Niall. If Harry wants to work things out, he'll come around." I tell him.

"He will, trust me." Niall winks standing from his chair.

I walk over and wrap my arms around him, "Thank you."

"No problem. Call me whenever you need anything, okay?" he says as we pull back.

"Yeah." I smile.

I walk him out the store and watch him walk to the escalator, his sun glasses on as he looks down at his phone to avoid eye contact with anyone.

Thank God for Niall.


Luke Hemmings = Perfection.

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