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"Hi, Collins" a deep voice says from beside me, causing me to jump.

I look to the side and see familiar green eyes.

He had taken the seat next to me.

"Hi Harry." I say, smiling at him.

"Well Collins, I have something crazy to say." he says setting his hands on his knees.

I take a deep breath and smile,"What?" I ask slightly confused.

He sighs, uncrossing his arms and leaning froward,

"I believe that we have met before." he says, knocking the breath out of me.

"Actually, I know we have met before." he says, correcting his earlier statement.

"Huh?" I say stunned.

There's no way. He can't remember me. No possible way.

"We've met." he says, slowly.

"W-when?" I ask.

"When was the last time you traveled to New York City?" he ask staring down at his feet, he almost seemed nervous?

"a little over 3 months ago." I whisper.

Am I dreaming? This isn't happening.

He doesn't say anything, he just smiles and pulls out his phone.

I furrow my eyebrows as he scrolls through his camera roll. Mostly full of random pictures, occasional pictures of him and his friends and- hell no. I gasp a little. A picture Ed Sheeran and Harry. The two most gorgeous men.

He finally selects a picture, I revert my eyes so he knows I haven't been watching him.

"this, Collins, this is you. Am I right?" he says quietly. He hands me his phone with a picture pulled up.

The picture is a familiar one indeed. Really familiar. The one that I have the exact copy of.

I stare down at the pictures, my hands shaking nervously.

"How did you know it was me?" I chuckle, sliding the phone onto his thigh.

"Your eyes and voice. As creepy as that sounds" he says, chuckling nervously.

"It doesn't sound creepy," I say really fast.

He smiles, looking else where.

"I uh, sorta recognized you, because, well, funny story actually." I start, tossing my hair over my shoulder, "My friends were watching your movie and you looked familiar so I asked what your name was and they told me and then I went back and looked at the picture and saw you had a cross tattoo so I like looked you on Google and saw that tattoo and yeah, basically." I say, so fast that it leaves me breathless.

He looks at me, amused.

"Huh, that's pretty interesting." he says.

"Uh huh" I say, my cheeks turning red.

"So, just a wild question, where abouts are you sitting at the show tomorrow?" he ask, shifting in his seat.

I giggle softly, knowing where this going, "We are actually front row." I tell him.

"Really? That's great! So, I will be able to see you as I sing." he says, being extra cheesy.

I laugh loudly,"Smooth. Real smooth" I tell him.

"I try, I try." he laughs.

"Im sure your fans would love that." I tell him, being sarcastic yet again.

He chuckles deeply.

"I hate to admit it, but I'm dreading This concert, screaming girls, getting pushed and shoved. It's going to be a mad house." I admit, being blunt.

"Well, I will make sure you have a great time." he says with a wink, making my cheeks turn pink.

"Collins?" I hear Jamie's voice ring.

"Yes?" I say turning my head her direction.

"Did you find the a pair of shoes. I apologize, I got caught in a conversation. Anyways, have you seen the new pair of- wait, Harry? Do you need any assistance. I'm sorry, let's get you someone." she says, obviously nervous and annoyed.

"No need, Andrew helped me out. I just came over to talk to Miss Collins for a bit." he says, returning to his feet giving her a reassuring smile.

"Oh, okay. Did you find everything you need?" she ask, clasping her hands in front.

"Yes ma'am" he says politely.

"Marvelous. I apologize for interrupting." she says.

"Actually, I should probably get going. Thank you for your assistance. And Collins, it was lovely seeing you again. I hope to see you soon." he says smiling, sending chills down my spins.

With that he physically dismissed himself from the area, suddenly make me feel upset that he isn't here.

"Spill it now." Jamie all of the sudden says, taking Harrys previous seat.

"What do you mean?" I ask, my eyes widening.

"Cut it out. What was the whole,'it was lovely seeing you again'? Huh?" she ask leaning in.

"Oh, that? Um, nothing really." I lie.

"Lies, I'll get your things ready for you. Be at my house in an hour. You've got explaining to do, honey." she says, walking away before I can protest.

Harry freakin Styles, why?


talk about a bad ending. ugh.

I should work on that.

so I saw the boys, In Dallas Aug. 24.

3 days ago.

(by the time I upload this it will have been a while)

They were so perfect and my pcd is horrible.

I was in shock the whole time, I didn't feel as if it was happening. It didn't hit me until I saw them walk off stage.

Now I can't listen to any of there songs without crying & it just sucks ugh.

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