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I parked my car in front of Jamie's mansion, right by Kiley's small car.

Jamie said she was going to be home later than she expected.

I stepped out of the car and walked to the front door, letting my self in.

"Hello?" I yell out, my voice echoing off the walls.

I was about to yell again but was cut off by the sound of a high pitch scream, followed by Kiley yelling,"Ryker, I swear if you throw anything at Reagan again you will be put into time out again." anger behind her words.

I couldn't help but chuckle, this is pay back for all of times Kiley laughed at me when I baby sat the two brats.

I follow the voices, walking into the living room.

There, I found Reagan crying on the huge couch and Kiley chasing after Ryker.

I walk over to Reagan, quickly scooping her into my arms. She gives me a small smile, wiping her tears away with the back of her small hand.

"What's wrong?" I whisper, brushing her brown hair back.

"Ryker hit m-me with his r-red car" she says, her voice shaky.

"Okay, I will make it feel better." I promise her kissing her forehead where there was a visible red mark starting to bruise.

I set her down on the floor, then walk over to Kiley and Ryker.

"Ryker." I yell, making Kiley scream.

I turn to her, giving her a certain look.

"What the hell? When did you get here?" she ask, holding her chest

"Just now." I answer with a shrug.

"well thank freakin goodness. This little brat won't listen to a thing I say, maybe he will listen to you" she says glaring at Ryker.

"Dummy" Ryker yells, sticking out his tongue.

"If you stick out your tongue again, I will pull it out and throw it into the toilet." Kiley says taking a step towards him.

His tongue quickly goes back into his mouth, his eyes glaring at her deeply.

"Both of you, stop it." I order them, rubbing my temples at the already developed head ache.

They are both standing with their arms cross their chest, with scowls on their faces.

"Ryker, your mom is going to be home very soon. You better make sure all of your toys are up out of this floor by the time she arrives." I tell him with an hard voice.

"I don't wanna" he whines, rocking back and forth on his feet.


He groans loudly, soon to bend over and start gathering his scattered toys.

"Kiley, where is Cynthia?" I sigh, asking about their maid that roams the home.

"Who the hell is Cynthia?" she ask confused.

"The maid, have you not seen her? She usually cleans upstairs during the afternoons." I say, trying to make one and one click in her head.

"You mean, that there has been a lady in this house with us the whole damn day and I didn't even know?" she whisper yells at me, her eyes huge.

"How could you not know? Jamie has had her since the kids were born." I tell her.

"that, is creepy as hell" she says.

What an idiot.

I sigh loudly, then walk over to a quiet Reagan.

"Let's get you cleaned up for Mommy, yes?" I whisper lifting her into my arms.

Reagan is usually good for the most part, it's Ryker that causes trouble. Reagan occasionally throws tantrums when she doesn't get her way, but nothing that isn't fixable.

"okay"she mutters leaning her head on my shoulders as I climb the stairs to her room.


Reagan was now In her yellow and white polka dotted dress that probably cost more than my whole outfit.

Kiley was watching Cartoons with Ryker downstairs, waiting for Jamie's arrival.

Reagan quickly runs down the stairs, unsure of what's going on, I follow.

"Hello my precious angel!" I hear Jamie's muffled yell from the foyer.

When I reach the two, Jamie had Reagan in her arms.

"Aha, Collins, sorry I'm running behind we had a mishap at the store" she sighs, setting Reagan down.

"no problem, I just helped Kiley out." I say, adding in a wink.

"Fabulous. Now, where is my Ryker?" she says walking into the living room. Ryker and Kiley's heads both swing our direction.

"Hi Mom" he greets her casually.

She chuckles, walking over to him and kissing his forehead, "Hello son." she mocks.

"Hi Kiley." Jamie says sending Kiley a smile.

"Hello Jamie!" Kiley replies standing up from the couch.

"Well, you are free to go, unless you want to stay and chat with C and I?" Jamie offers.

"No, no, I'm very tired, I have a gig in the morning anyways." she says, yawning, obviously exhausted.

"Oh, okay! Well, your money is on the counter. I will be in touch, I might need you to watch the kids for a weekend while I go to New York for a night." she says.

New York. The name sends chills down my spine.

"Yeah, okay." Kiley says easily, picking up her purse.

"Thanks so much Jamie! See you two kids soon" Kiley says, trying not to make her rush obvious.

By the time Kiley was out the door, Jamie was already smirking at me.

"what?" I squeak.

"you've got a lot of explaining to do"


who needs a update schedule anyways?¿

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