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The next week passed slowly... very slow. Between Kiley's bad attitude and long days at work I've found it hard to be in a good mood.

I hardly have seen Harry apart from his occasional late night thirty minute stops. He's in New York for the weekend, returning Sunday afternoon.

They've been promoting the up coming album. I haven't seen him in three days, it feels strange considering we spent every free moment together. It makes it harder that he's across the country. I can't just drive out to his house. I don't know how the boys girl friends do this when the boys are on tour, going weeks without seeing them. I'm new at the whole him being gone randomly thing. I've never been the clingy type, but it's different when he's in another state.

Today, once again, I have no plans.

The apartment door swings open and Kiley walks through, actually grinning at me.

"Hey." I mutter.

"Hey listen, I can't really talk right now but meet me and Lydia at that small corner cafe down the street for lunch in thirty minutes." she says walking to her room.

Someone's mood has changed, what the heck. I don't argue, I walk into my room and quickly select and outfit.

Maybe things to a change for the better, Kiley wise.

After ready quickly and gather up my things , I then walk down stairs and out the lobby door.

The Cafe Kiley explained was only a 10 minute walk, plus the weather was nice today.

As I walked, I just observed my surroundings. LA was so different from my hometown, in a good way. I love traveling and discovering new places. I always loved traveling with my family, it fascinated me. I love learning how people from different places do things and their outlook on things. I find it so amazingly interesting. I've only been out of the country once, I was 3 so I have little to no memories of the experience. My parents took me along with them to Dublin,Ireland for their wedding anniversary. I wish I had memories of the trip.

The first time I ever visited LA I was in my first year of high school.LA was the top place I desired to visit. I remember looking out the plane window as we landed, getting chills at the view. I visited again my 3rd year of high school, that's when I seriously thought of moving to LA after High School. My parents were not thrilled what-so-ever at the idea of me moving across the country just leaving LA. They wanted me to go to college and then I could start thinking about moving out to LA. But I didn't want to finish 12 years of school and then fall into another 4 or 5. I wanted a break to just mature and live with out the stress of what papers are due.

Finally, my parents agreed to let me find an apartment with Kiley. They were proud of me for making such a strong decision. Of course, I would eventually go to college. But I wanted a decent 4-5 year break. My Dad surprised me with a brand new car, making it all seem more like reality.

At the end of that summer, Kiley and I drove up to the west coast and started a new chapter.

I arrive at the cafe and walk inside, hanging my sunglasses on the collar of my shirt. I scan the area and finally found Lydia and Kiely sitting in a booth in the far corner.

I walk to the booth and slide into the seat next to Lydia, setting my keys and phone on the table.

"Hello hello." Lydia giggles.

"Hey." I say smiling.

"Okay I'm just going to get it over with because you both know how badly I hate apologizing. I'm sorry for acting like a complete bratty bitch. I should be happy for you Collins, not jealous. You deserve someone like Harry. I'm sorry." she says looking down at the table.

"It's fine Kiley. Just next time you have such a large problem just talk to me rather than ignoring me for days." I say grinning.

"Ok sounds good." she smiles back.

"Yay, no more tension." Lydia claps her hands.

"But anyways, so, Collins are you and Harry serious?" Kiley says smirking.

"I-I don't know. We are just kinda seeing where this is gonna take us." I shrug.

"You like him, a lot." Kiley says smiling as she taps her nails on the table.

"Well of course I like him." I chuckle.

"How cute." Lydia adds smiling.

"So you two aren't official?" she ask.

"No, of course not." I sigh.

"Ok, does anyone know?" she ask.

"Only people who've we've been around. You two and Harry's friends." I answer.

"You want to stay away from the spotlight as much as you can. It's harsh." Kiley advises.

I playfully roll my eyes, "Because you know so much."

"No its common sense. I talked to Eleanor some and she said it's tough dating Louis due to the constant spot light on him. But she loves him." she says.

"Oh," I say standing corrected.

"Yeah, so be carful. However, I'm absolutely starving, can we order please." she begs looking at the front desk.

"Please." I groan as I stand to my feet.

We all order, I end up getting a lemonade and a simple plate of fresh fruit. It sounded appetizing.

As we wait for our food, we sit back down at the table and just talk about small things.

My phone started to buzz and ring on the table. Everyone looked at it, Harrys name took the screen. My cheeks reddened, as I looked at both of them.

"Gosh Collins answer it before I do." Kiley says. I smile and pick it up, answering it as I walk outside.

"Hey," I smile.

"I'm so sorry I've been busy recording interviews and performances today I haven't had time to talk." he says immediately, causing me to laugh.

"Harry it's okay, it's your job. I understand, it's okay." I assure him.

"Thank you, I apologize again. I wish I could be back In LA with you." he says with whine in his voice.

"I wish you were here too." I admit.

"Look at us, it's only been three days. How the heck am I going to deal when you go to Texas for a week." he groans.

"I wonder the same thing." I sigh.

"Well we are heading back tomorrow after lunch so I'll be home by tomorrow evening. We could go to dinner if you like." he says.

"Sounds amazing." I say smiling wide.

"Your amazing." he says, a cheesy smile clear in his raspy voice.

Gosh Harry your horrible." I laugh.

"Just stating the truth is all." he says.

"Yeah yeah whatever." I laugh.

"Well I have a meeting now so if I don't talk to again I will see you tomorrow for sure."

"Okay, bye Harry." I say suddenly sad I don't get to hear his voice.

"Bye collins," he says, the call ending.

I walk back into the cafe and quickly see that our food has arrived.

"Sorry about leaving," I say dropping a napkin in my lap.

"Not a problem. Now let's finish up so we can go catch a movie,"Lydia cheers making us giggle.



that was so boring ahhhh

I'm to tired to reread right now

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