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"Harry get up," I say for third time as I poke his bare side.

He doesn't move, he just groans.

"Come on Harry, we have 1 hour to get to the airport." I say leaning down to kiss his forehead.

"And I'm not telling you again." I laugh as I walk back to the bedroom to pack up my last things in the room.

Finally I got my suitcase zipped after many attempts.

"I'm tired," I hear a deep voice echo the room.

I turn around and see Harry standing behind me yawning largely.

"I can tell." I giggle as I walk his direction.

"I just want to go back to sleep." he groans as he leans into me, resting his head on my shoulder.

"You can sleep on the flight. Harry you seriously need to get ready. We have 45 minutes." I giggle.

"I'm to tired to get dress, put my clothes on for me." he whines falling down on to the bed.

I just sigh and walk over to his bag, grabbing a T-shirt and jeans. Gosh I can't believe I'm doing this.

I walk back to the bed and grab his arms, lifting him up. "Arms up," I sigh. He does just that, lifting his arms. I slip the tshirt on.

"Okay Harry you're going to have to put your own jeans on. Me and you both know those jeans are way to damn tight for me to put on." I laugh tossing the jeans at his chest.

"Ok ok." he laughs, standing up to change.

I turn around and walk back to my suite case, rolling it out of the room into the living room.

I'm ready to see my family, but I'm not ready to say bye to Harry.


"I'm going to walk Collins to her gate, I'll meet you at the gate in 10." Harry mumble to Niall.

"Okay," Niall says.

"See you later Niall," I say going in for a hug.

"Bye Collins," he smiles, hugging me back.

After we release he starts walking with the guards to his assigned gate.

Harry takes my hand in his once more as we began to walk.

"are you ready to see your family?" he ask creating conversation.

"Yes, of course." I smile up at him.

So far, we haven't encountered many fans this morning. After all, it is an early flight.

"Harry wait," I hear a high excited voice yell.

I spoke to soon.

Harry and I both turn our heads to the voice and see a teenage girl chasing after us with some friends following behind her.

"Hi," he says nicely, giving my hand a squeeze.

"Can we have a picture please?" she says trying to contain her excitement.

"Sure thing, just do me a favor and not post for another 2 hours." he says stepping towards them, dropping my hand.

"Yeah yeah!" she cheers smiling.

"Oh can you take the picture?" she ask as she holds out her phone in front of me.

"Sure," I smile taking her phone.

The girl gather around Harry and smile, "1..2..3 cheese!" I smile as I take the pictures, making sure I take a lot.

They all give him hugs and she retrieves her phone, checking the pictures.

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