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The mall was crowded all day, making the store very very busy. Hundreds of teen girls came through today, looking for the perfect outfit for the concerts this weekend.

Tomorrow is the concert, I've downloaded their most recent album, it's pretty good. Really good actually, they have powerful lyrics and voices.

I walked out into the hot Californian sun, my shift finally ended. I unlocked my car and quickly climbed In, making sure to switch on the ac as soon as the car powered up.

My phone buzzed from the cup holder, where I had previously sat it.

Kiley was calling, I turned down the music and answered the phone.

"Hello?" I answer

"What's up?" she ask, screaming in the background.

"just got off work. Kiley, what's screaming?" I question.

"Perfect, and I'm babysitting. Could you do me a favor?" she ask, hopeful.

"Ye- uh, what?" I say, recalling some of the favors she has asked of me.

"I really need a white vanilla mocha from Starbucks, could you please get me one and drop it off pretty please?" she begs.

I sigh, the closest Starbucks is 10 miles away. There is one at the mall, but I just pulled out of that mess and I'm not turning back.

"Fine, where do I need to drop it off?" I say.

"Thank you so much, I owe you. Uh, I'll text you address. Thanks so much." and then the line went dead. I sighed loudly, dropping my phone in my lap.

I turned off onto the road where the Starbucks was located, along with lots of other stores. My friend Jamie works at one of them, I'm not sure which one. I'll have to give her a call.

I might have to explore those stores after dropping off the drink.

I parallel park in front and get out, grabbing my purse and locking the door.

I walk into the Starbucks and order quickly, sitting at a table by the window as I wait. I pull out my phone and send Jamie a quick text, asking her if I could I stop by her store, and if she was even there.

Instead of just texting back, she called. Typical.

"Collins Hi!" she cheers into the phone.

"Hello Jamie!" I say, giggling.

"Yeah, I'm here, stop on by."

"Okay, I'm at Starbucks getting Kiley a drink. Surprising huh?" I scoff, joking around with sarcasm.

"Kiley? She is watching Raegan and Ryker today. I can get Ken to run it by for you, you just come on over. Ken will just meet you at Starbucks. See you in a few." she says, ending the conversation without further discussion. Ken must be her assistant. Must be nice. Raegan and Ryker are her 3 year old twins, I forgot Kiley watches them. Poor Kiley, those two kids are the biggest little brats.

A tall blonde walked into the Starbucks, he looked around.

I bet that's Ken, I stand up and push my chair back in. I walk over to him, "Ken?" I say hopeful.

"Uh yeah, Collins?" he says.

"Yes, they should be through with her drink any second. Thanks so much." I say, smiling up at him.

"No problem."

"Oh yeah, uh it's been a while since I've been to Jamie's store and I have horrible memory. Could you please give me directions?" I ask sweetly.

"second store to the right." he says, chuckling.

"Thank you" I say, then I turn around and walk out the door. I slip my sunglasses on and walk through the crowds of people to the store.

The entrance of Jamie's store looked familiar. I recognized it now. I opened it and walked in, immediately getting greeted by Jamie.

"Oh, Collins! Long time no see!" she says wrapping her arms around my waist. I hugged her back. I used to babysit her children when they were younger. That's how I know her so well.

"So good to see you!" I say, smiling at her. She smiles, making her hazel eyes seem brighter. She is 4 years older than me, making her 24.

"So what have you been up to?" she ask, turning around, walking to the two large white sofas in the middle of the store.

We both sit down on it, jumping into conversation, "Nothing much, just working." I answer honestly.

"I can relate," she chuckles. "Kiley mentioned something about a concert tomorrow night?" she says.

"Oh yes, One Direction." I say rolling my eyes jokingly, "Lydia got us all tickets. They are very excited." I say giggling.

"How fun, it will be a fun concert, those boys are adorable." she says, placing her hand on my knee as an assurance, knowing her.

"That's what I've heard." I chuckle.

"What are you wearing? We just got some new clothes in, pick any outfit out, my treat." she tells me, standing up from the seat.

"Jamie," I chuckle.

"Seriously. Come on, follow me." she bosses, walking towards the front of the store.

I stand up following her.

She was looking out the window when I got to where she was standing, "Some celebrity I'm guessing." she says, pointing out a crowd of people near the store.

"Look, this would look adorable on your tiny body." she says holding up a tight black dress, similar to the one she was wearing.

I examined the dress,"I think it might be to dressy." I say honestly.

She hangs the dress back and moves on,"What about these, with a tight white crop top and brown sandals." she says while holding up a pair of high waisted skinny jeans.

I actually admired the outfit, it was adorable. I smiled at her and took the jeans from her hand, getting ready to find a dressing room.

"I'll get the top." she says, disappearing quickly, then reappearing with white crop top in hand.

"Thank you" I say, taking the top in hand.

"My pleasure, I'll get you a room." She smiles.

I follow her to the dressing rooms, she opens the large black door for me, closing it behind me.

I rid my body of the white vneck and black skirt I was previously wearing and replace it with the clothes Jamie had picked out.

The jeans fit really well, and the top surprisingly, looked good.

I did a 360 spin in the mirror, taking the outfit in.

My hand grabbed the handle, opening the door, when I all of the sudden heard a familiar raspy British voice.

My insides churned as I pocked my head out of the dressing room, unsure of what I'll see.

"Jamie?" I squeak.

I was the only person in the dressing room area, from what I could see.

I was on edge, on the look out for the familiar face.

A door quickly opened, startling me, and a tall, lean, gorgeous man walked out, making my knees feel like jello.


that took me forever to write WOWOW.

Jamie: Cher Lloyd.

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