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These past three weeks have been very hectic. Thanksgiving came and went. Kiley and I had Thanksgiving over at Harry's this year.
Although, Niall and Harry don't celebrate American Thanksgiving they were more than happy to celebrate with us.
We arrived at his house early morning and we all helped prepare the delicious meal. I think we all ate half our body weight honestly.
After we ate, we headed to Harry's cinema room and watched a variety of movies. We all ended up falling asleep and staying the night, to exhausted to do otherwise.

Later that week Harry publicly outed our relationship in an interview. He promised everything would be fine, and I trusted him.
The next day the store was flooded with fans begging for pictures or just the slightest action of a smile. It was crazy. The next day and the one after was the exact same. Customers getting upset because they could hardly even make it to the cash register at certain times.
I ended up quitting that Friday, deciding it was sadly the best choice. I explained everything to my boss and she great fully understood. But now, I was unemployed with no sort of College education.
Speaking of college, I applied to a couple with Harrys help. Actually, I had already been considering college and getting things together so I would be able to apply. Harry just gave me that extra push.
I'm hoping I get into NYU honestly.

This morning, I got a sweet text message from Harry telling me that he was going to come by early this afternoon because he has a surprise for me.

So I was now anxiously waiting in my living room waiting for his arrival, passing time by watching the Kardashians.

I heard a knock at the door and then it opened.

Harry walked in with a big smile on his face.

"Hi," he smiles.

I stand to my feet walking over to greet him, "Hey."

He leans forward and places his lips on mine, my body automatically relaxing into his.

"I have a surprise for you, but I can't tell you just yet." he hums against my lips.

"I'm horrible with surprises," I whine.

"Well that sucks I guess." he shrugs laughing as he walks past me, removing his coat.

"We found out we have a 2 week break yesterday." he informs me excited.

"Really? That's great!" I exclaim.

"Yeah I'm excited about it." he smiles as he looks down at his phone, taking interest in whatever it is.

"Are you going to visit your family?" I ask, guessing his answer already would be yes.

"Actually no." he says surprising me.

"Really? Are they coming here then?" I ask.

"Nope." he sighs.

"Oh," I chuckle shocked slightly.

"Since you aren't working you have nothing for the next two weeks, correct?" he says with a growing smile.

"Correct," I say back.

"Perfect." he smiles widely, taking a seat on the couch.

"And why is that?" I ask sitting next to him.

He smiles and leans in to gently kiss my lips, leaving me with butterflies.

"Because, then these won't go to waste." he smirks, pulling two pieces of paper out of his back pocket.

He holds them out in front of me, allowing me to read them.
I gasp loudly, bringing my hand over my mouth as I stare down at the two plane tickets.

"Thailand?" I say shocked.

"Yeah, me and you alone for 7 days. We leave in the morning." he says smiling wide.

"Harry oh my gosh, you shouldn't have." I tell him still in shock.

"Ah but I wanted to. I know how bad you want to travel. This can be our official start to our different travels around the world." he says sweetly.

"Thank you so much." I say throwing myself into his arms.

"Your welcome, but I suggest you start packing. Your staying with me tonight since we are leaving so early." he informs me.

"Okay okay." I giggle jumping up, almost running to my room.

"Oh and Harry?" I say as I reach the hallway.

"Yes?" he says.

"I love you." I tell him, blowing him a kiss.

"I love you too Collins." he smiles, walking towards me.


It took me almost three hours to pack. Since I wasn't expecting the vacation, I hadn't done laundry. So, Lydia helped with laundry and Kiley helped gathering swim suits and sundresses. Harry just laid down on my bed, relaxing.

I called my mom and informed her about my surprise trip. She was quick to inform me that Harry had called and made sure it was okay to take me, making me smile at his sweet gesture.

Now, I was ready to go. Harry loaded my things into his car as I said bye to Kiley and Lydia.

I was honestly so ready to be there already.

Being in paradise with Harry sounds heavenly. No interruptions, just Harry and I. Laying down on the sand, listening to the waves hit the sand as the sun beats down on our bodies was exactly what I desired.


it's kinda short but I needed to get that part over with so I could officially start their trip(-:

How was everyone's Christmas??

What did Yall get?

Hope everyone had great Christmas!! love you allll!

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