Shuttle to Tython

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Shuttle on approach to Tython

I screamed and shut up as I heard a girl scream instead. The pain was gone and in its place was a feeling of peace. The next thing I noticed was that I was glowing. That didn't shock me as much as finding out I was female. In classic transformation reaction I felt my breasts first and then my hands shot between my legs. I giggled and then laughed hearing my new laugh. Sure I was a female, but this was a dream come true. I felt so right, so complete. I had a ton of new memories. Nothing personal, but everything I would need. One memory gained my curiosity as I realized this body should have been male, yet it was female down to being fertile. Interesting, I thought. I then got up and went into the refresher to the little mirror. I gasped at how familiar I looked to one of my game characters. Well most of them actually. It was then that I realized that I was in the Star Wars universe, and that I could use the Force. I made a little item float in the air just to convince myself I could do it. I spent nearly an hour playing with anything that would float free, including myself. I never felt a high like this. Then reality set in as I had to pee.

"Well no more standing for me." I said out loud. This made me giggle as I heard my voice for the first time, and then I had to rush through the refresher door as a little leaked out. I blushed that I had a bit less control. Though I knew I didn't really have to worry about it too much, as I sat down the urge came as I released the stream of pee. It was weird that it didn't come out of a penis. Not that I had one which made me smile again. Two of my biggest wishes had come true I was female and I could use the force, not only that, I was heading to Tython for further training. Then it hit me. Could I be playing the game for real? Could I have died and this was my version of heaven? I shook my head as I had felt that there was someone else there at the time. I wasn't dead, but what was my future going to be like?

I then thought about the things I had and I scrambled to the chest. It contained everything I owned which wasn't much. A few Jedi outfits like I wore and a suit of armor. When I pulled it out I giggled as I recognized the set. It was the Guardian Armor Set. It wasn't the set I used in game, but very similar to the Valiant Set. The two Serenity Blades made me smile. I felt I couldn't use them yet as I wasn't a full Jedi, but I had to try them on. I put on the set and then I held the blades in my hands feeling a thrill as I ignited them. I then laughed as the blades didn't make the snap hiss that I was so used to, but they did hum a bit. One blade was bronze gold and the other blue silver. Could it be, I wondered? I hooked them on my belt with a practiced motion after I deactivated them.

I looked farther in the chest and opened a beat up box. Inside I gasped as I knew just by the first sight that this was Bastila Shan's personal armor. It then came to mind that my last name was Onasi. How did the Onasi family get a hold of her armor? Wouldn't it have wound up with Satele? Carth didn't have a thing for Bastila or could they have? Maybe their children got together? It was possible if Dustin and Bastila's daughter or maybe the son of Dustin. I couldn't get the ages together and without further knowledge I don't think I would figure it out. I packed everything but what I was wearing back inside. I felt too comfortable in the armor. A part of me knew why I didn't think I could wear it yet as it was for a female. I was a female so it must have been the original T'aa that thought this. I for one felt I needed any edge I could get.

"All passengers departing for Tython report to shuttle bay twelve." Suddenly came over the intercom. It repeated in several languages which I some understood. I giggled as I put what I was previously wearing in the chest and closed it up. I lifted the chest with the force without thinking and then set it back down. I couldn't show off the Force like that. I grabbed the handle, and I was glad it at least had wheels. I knew the way to the bay kind of, but I soon saw another padawan in the simple armor a padawan typically wore. I followed him as he didn't waver at all in his brisk steps. I then realized I was much smaller as a group of troopers passed me. They towered over my 160cm tall petite frame. Still, each one nodded at me and I felt honored that they acknowledged me. Could it be the armor? This put an extra pep in my step and I felt even better. Once we arrived in the shuttle bay, I was next to the other padawan.

"Master are you escorting us to the surface?" He asked nervously. I giggled then cut it off.

"Padawan." I replied calmly.

"Excuse me, master?" He questioned. I could feel his confusion and then his embarrassment as he realized his mistake. " I'm sorry."

"Never apologized it is a sign of weakness. Better to say I stand corrected or something else." I stated. "We may be humble, but we also must show confidence and strength."

"That denies your mistakes." He countered.

"Maybe, but not every being would see it that way. My mistake works better for you?" I asked.

"Yes that would do." He replied. "I feel your excitement. Are you not nervous a bit." I smiled he was learning fast. I could feel he was nervous, but calm as well. He gave off a strong presence in the Force and I wondered if it was equal to mine. From the other padawans he was the strongest not being able to feel my own. They looked at me and I could tell they were wondering the same thing he wondered about me. Maybe I should have not worn it now?

"I'm Padawan T'aa Onasi." I said loud enough that they could hear as well.

"Padawan Cort Hintal. I am to be a consular."

"Guardian or Sentinel, I am not sure which." I replied.

"You wear two blades and your size would benefit fast attacks. Also, Guardians tend to be larger and rely on strength." Cort remarked. "Though you are strong in the Force, even I can feel that."

"Thank you, but strength without wisdom is power without purpose." I stated not really understanding what I just said. He just nodded. The shuttle door dropped down and the crew chief waved us on. The six of us stowed our chests and then strapped in without being told. The shuttle lifted as soon as the last of us fastened their restraints. I didn't like flying, but in my new body I felt calm and giddy when the gravity dropped to zero for half a minute. The ride was smooth and I could see a little of the forward view screen. Once we entered the atmosphere, the craft started shaking. I was sure it would have been much worse if the dampeners were not active. One padawan looked pale and I hoped she didn't lose her last meal. My stomach growled as I was a bit hungry. I giggled as the shuttle dropped suddenly. The girl's eyes went big and I saw her swallow what ever came up. I reached out to her with the calm I felt, and she relaxed. A moment later she smiled at me as color came back to her face, and she closed her eyes. I smiled knowing she was free of her fear.

The shuttle smoothed out not long after that and I returned to view what I could. This would be the first world I had set foot on other than Earth. The original T'aa had been to several and I compared them to Earth finding each unique. The shuttle finally landed and the other padawans were quick to get out. Both Cort and I waited until they did. I was breathing in the air of another planet and it was nice.

"Well I am sure we will meet again." Cort stated.

"That indeed." I replied. "Have fun finding holocrons and don't be shocked by Qyzen Fess." He looked strangely at me, but I just grinned as I left the shuttle with my chest in tow. He didn't even notice I had used the Force to bring it to me as he struggled with his own. I looked up the ramp taking in another deep breath before marching up the ramp to Derrin Keller who was talking to the other padawans. They left just like the cut scene from the game. This unnerved me a bit, but I knew now what I could expect.

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