Alderaan II

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"Hey, what took you so long?"

"There is a war out there." I thumbed behind me before I caught myself from crossing my arms. "Glad the report on your death was a lie."

"Are you in need of healing? I can feel your pain." Cort moved over to the doctor as he held his side.

"Who is this? I don't remember you working with anyone else."

"This is Jedi Knight Cort Hintal. Master Yuon's pupil."

"Ah now I remember. I could, but no time. Blasted Sith almost killed me. Was all I could do to save Doctor Parvux."

"The enemy left us here as food for the Killiks."

"Taking down that Killik leader must have been quite a fight. Thing was huge."

"We did not encounter any that were larger than the rest."

"I don't remember any either." The room shook as a growl is heard. One of the walls collapses as a horde of insects comes pouring through.

"If those things eat us, you're fired."

"Maybe I'll let them nibble a bit." He then laughs just before we both jump at the nearest one. As much time as I spent on Tython with Master Orgus this was the first time we really fought together. Sure we had spared against each other, but never side by side. As my bond flared with Kira it linked in with Cort and with surprise Master Orgus. He did feel weakened in the Force, but he wasn't slowed down enough to be on the defensive. The wave of lesser Killiks thinned as this Killik came into view nearly taking up the entire entrance of the hole that they came out of. As it straightened, it came to nearly twelve feet in height.

"You were not joking." I grinned at Kira's shock just before jumping the thirty feet through the air. It raised its staff to block my strike as I turned my blades off causing him to miss. My blades snapped back on just as I was passing over its head and contacted on either side halting my forward movement and forcing me down its back. The blades cut it nearly in half before I disengaged to roll the rest of the way off of it. The ground shook as the corpse impacted the ground. Master Orgus was frozen for a moment before turning to the doctor.

"You alright?"

"Don't worry about me. The Death Mark is in enemy hands. You must warn Count Alde."

"The Count was seriously injured by the Death Mark while he was discussing the situation with us. Aleyna Hark has been taken into custody and the targeting device destroyed."

"I am impressed how did you uncover that she was a spy?"

"Her story was good, but I did not feel your death and from what I understand of the Killiks I doubt she could have escaped on her own. The Force also guided me to doubt her."

"This is good news, but she could have marked dozens of people beforehand. The weapon could kill anyone from anywhere at any time."

"Not if we cut the power, doctor. The Weapon's still tied into the local energy grid, right?"

"Several power stations supply the Death Mark with power. Taking them offline will disable the weapon for a few hours. I have the coordinates right here."

"The Sith took everything with him so this is our only option. We'll have to do this the hard way. I'll take Doctor Parvux to safety while you disable those power stations." I smiled as I activated my holocom.

"Captain Ingo come in."

"Onasi you alright?"

"Never better I have some coordinates for you." The doctor gave me his datapad and I linked it to the holocom. "These are the power stations that need to go down." Ingo started laughing as he moved the camera around.

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