Coruscant Old Galactic Market and Dock Area.

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Part One

"Knight T'aa have you changed anything?" Cort asked as we met up. "I informed my Master of who is behind this all, but she is not in her right mind. She didn't understand."

"I had Tarnis arrested and exposed. Then it went right back to what it should have been if I didn't know. I fear I haven't changed anything." I replied. "Next place to go for me is the Old Galactic Market."

"I have to go there myself." Ingo stated as he arrived. "Sanusha is already there in the area. She is in the Dealer's Den Cantina." Aric stated.

"Alright then it is best we stay together. I am sure we will be getting into a street battle soon after the cantina." I suggested. Ingo looked at Aric and he shrugged. That is exactly what we did when we got to the dual bridge leading to the shipping and receiving docks. The security officer waved us over.

"Glad to see you here." Captain Winborn stated. "It is a damn war zone over there and to top it all off they are trying to take over the network."

"Well between finding the girlfriend and some chips things are looking up." Ingo replied activating his cannon. "What's the Sitrep?"

"We're getting cut to pieces down here. We're not trained to fight an army of killers." Captain Winborn replied. "These gangsters are smart, organized. Clearly trained off world. They'll kill thousands. Might even destroy the Senate tower."

"Pull your men back Captain. Let us handle these criminals." I ordered.

"It's not that simple, they came here with a plan. The gangsters brought slicers to access every network node in the sector. They're trying to take over the automated speeder flight paths. They'll cause thousands of mid-air collisions. It'll rain debris on the Senate tower like a meteor storm. No telling how many will die."

"Don't worry Captain, Havoc Squad is here, and we'll cause Havoc. We'll take them down." Ingo replied.

"The gangsters have armed patrols guarding the network access points. You need to push them back, and manually lock down the terminals. Get enough terminals, and we might just pull this off. My men will back you up." Captain Winborn explained. "Good luck in there." He then saluted before he squatted back down.

"So how are we going to do this?" Sanusha asked.

"Simple if they are shooting at us we shoot back." Aric replied. That is what we did. We cleared both sides of the bridge. Aric and Ingo sprayed the area to keep their heads down, and when they stopped either Cort or I were there to take them off or Sanusha to hit them between the eyes. Flesh Raiders were a bit harder to fight than these guys, but they did have better aim. We locked down every terminal along the way. We cleared the entire docking area Most got cut down, a few ran, and still fewer surrendered.

"That is one big droid." Corso stated before then whistled.

"We can take it down." Ingo remarked as he checked his cannon.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Sanusha added. I looked at Cort and Qyzen.

"<The Scorekeeper would give many points for such prey.>" He stated.

"Well it really isn't interested in us, and there are no people beyond it." Cort replied. "Let Coruscant Security Forces take care of it."

"Perhaps we could do that, but we just need to shut it down. An ion cannon would work or knowing where the shut off switch is." I countered. "Then again Cort you think we both could lift it? I know it is bigger than the rock on Tython. Once it is up in the air, we just drop it over the edge."

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