The Fall of the Locust

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"Get that crate loaded up we move out in fifteen." Ingo ordered the local troopers. "Hey T'aa glad you finally showed up. That Doctor is over there wanting to talk to you."

"Thanks, Ingo." I moved over to the medic station with Kira in tow.

"Master Jedi I am in your debt. That Imperial would have gained way too much from me."

"You have General Var Suthra to thank for sending me to rescue you."

"Var Suthra? That old man never gives up does he?"

"No he did not give up on you."

"I suppose you want me to come back to Coruscant? I left for a good reason you know."

"Darth Angral through his son managed to make off with the Planet Prison and several other projects you had left behind. We managed to stop Watcher One from gaining your knowledge. We need you."

"Bah! The Republic has been in danger since that idiotic treaty. They ignored my predictions and that is why I left those idiots behind."

"I know of your objections to the treaty and the Republic needed to rebuild as well, but with your help Darth Angral will not be able to bring the Republic to its knees."

The argument went on for nearly ten more minutes before the doctor smiled.

"I'll be on your ship, Master Jedi, but we will need to discuss locking down all my labs." I turned and hid the sigh of relief. I was unsure he would come back with us and now that he was I felt better. Ingo, Cort, and Sanusha with everyone else was waiting for me. We boarded two Republic walkers and headed out. As we entered the area controlled by the Locust, the two walkers opened fire on the members of his scavenger gang. They ran from the walkers as they advanced, and several minutes later they fired on his ship enough to disable it. The two squads that came with us rolled out of the walkers and secured the entrance to their base.

"All yours Lieutenant."

"Thank you gunny." The gunnery sergeant saluted and Ingo returned it.

"Capture any that want to surrender. We may find a use for the Locust's men if he is willing to cooperate." Cort suggested.

"If they are so nice, but I doubt, Master Jedi." We moved into the base and broke the defensive line they had formed in less than a minute. Having one jedi throwing everything that was loose at them, having Kira, Sanusha, and Corso appearing behind them as I jumped through the air at them batting the fire directed at me back at them broke any possible defense. Five minutes of fighting, and we took down the security shield holding Amille Razna and two others.

"This is a surprise. I wasn't sure my message got out." She looked over everyone and then smiled. "This is perfect. We have to finish the mission and capture the Locust alive."

"I doubt these scum will give up willingly." Aric mumbled.

"So, what is the deal with this Locust guy and what is in it for me?"

"We came here to capture the Locust. He is probably the biggest scavenger in the galaxy. He uses a legion of droids to strip whole planets clean. Stopping him is one this, but if we can get control of those droids. "Advanced" doesn't even start to describe them. In order for the Republic to get them to do something productive, we need to convince the Locust to hand over control."

"How do you plan to do that? I can't see him giving up his profits just to work for the Republic?"

"We make him an offer that he can't refuse. I am sure by the explosions he is not leaving this planet. All we have to do is find him."

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