Finding T7-O1

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Flesh Raider Territory

We avoided what Flesh Raiders we could, and fought fast and hard once we did have to fight. Leaving the area just before another group would show up. It took two days of fighting and little sleep not that we needed any. Thirty minutes to an hour of meditation, and we were as refreshed as a solid nights sleep.

"Okay I think this is the hidden camp of Nalen Raloch." Cort stated as he checked his datapad. "Should we go in?"

"Yes, but be wary of Nalen. He might show up and if he does then be prepared to run or fight." I replied with a grin. He smiled back at me, and we hid our excess gear. We fought a few Flesh Raiders near the entrance before going in. Once we were inside, there was none.

"I am going to stay hidden in case Nalen shows up." I stated.

"That sounds fine to me. Just don't fall asleep." Cort replied. I giggled and looked at him impressed.

"You made a funny. You do have a sense of humor." I stated. He chuckled, and we traveled to the end of the cave. I went to hide before he touched anything. I could see Cort from behind a pile of crates as he inspected the holocron. Nalen walked up behind Cort calmly.

"You make a lot of noise. I come to find a Flesh Raider. I find a Jedi Padawan. I come to listen, to think, among the dead. To fight for my people. Why have you come?" Nalen stated. He felt off to me, chilling.

"The villagers said you'd taken this projector, Nalen, and told me where to find you." Cort replied.

"I suppose they spun the tale of me being a legendary protector, too. They don't understand. Are the Flesh Raiders destroyed? No. My people aren't safe until my learning is complete. Tython's relics still have lessons. I listen. I can... do things, I never imagined possible. I will be the defender my people perceive." Nalen stated.

"Once you have become this great defender, what's the next step?" Cort asked.

"We make Tython ours. No Jedi. No Republic. Our world to plow, harvest, and defend. We hunt the Flesh Raiders to extinction, and laugh. Rajivari showed me how to punish them." Nalen started to move and raise his hands at this point I went into stealth as I snuck up behind him. I hammered the back of his neck with the pommel of one of my lightsabers. He felt it as he collapsed into unconsciousness.

"Why did you do that?" Cort asked.

"If it wasn't obvious he was about to weaken the cave. Make it rumble and lure in the raiders. Putting us both at risk. He is also dangerous if left on his own. Better that a few Jedi healers take care of him." I explained.

"Okay is this another of your visions?" Cort asked.

"In away. I have been trying to break the script of a very poorly written holo drama. I have done so with my master and I have done so with you. Having Nalen out of the way will make your quest easier. Come help me get him to the entrance, so we can call for a medivac." I explained. Cort did so carrying him mostly himself. I called in the evac as he checked in with Master Yuon.

"She wants me to return to the temple." Cort stated as he returned.

"We will once we have taken the raider's weapon depot. It is not far from here." I countered.

"She was somewhat insistent that I return, soon." Cort replied.

"I know, but I might need your help and I plan on doing this fast. With you I can do it even faster." I explained. "Once we secure the area we can call for transport and the scouts. It will mean a lot to me and I plan on helping you in the future as well. I know we will be working in the same areas." He smiled and I giggled. "Great." Getting to the cave was difficult and I really was glad I convinced him to come along. The cave was filled with training Flesh Raiders and it took all our skill to take them out. We were both breathing hard when the final Flesh Raider fell.

"I do not want to do that again." Cort stated. I nodded in agreement as I searched the raider for the key.

"No wonder the Twileks haven't taken them on. There must have been at least fifty of them in here and all of them came at once. I doubt any are locked up in here though." I replied. The door slid open, and we walked inside ready for anything. There was nothing inside but crates of weapons and other material, supplies, and parts. I glanced at T7 as I approached a large rack of weapons. "This is a lot more than I expected. It is going to take a platoon of men to take this out of here." T7 came active and moved forward. I feared I wouldn't understand him as he started to beep and whistle. I sighed in relief as I did understand.

"What is the droid saying?" Cort asked.

"He was captured by the raiders. We can get you out of here T7." He beeped and whistled some more. "He was scouting himself and his restraining bolt is interfering with his sensors." I figured this was a lie as he just wanted it removed. I popped it off easily. "He has a video how nice." T7 activated his holo projector.

"Teach these soldiers to use these weapons. Train them on the Twilek invaders." Bengel Morr ordered.

"When will we strike against the Jedi?" Callef asked.

"Patience Callef. The Jedi will fall when our army reaches full strength." Bengel Morr explained. T7 cut off the recording.

"Well it seems the man you captured does have a Master." Cort remarked.

"That was Bengel Morr I told Master Din that I knew his old Padawan. This will be more than enough to convince him." I replied. "Let's get to the opening and call for our transports. Plus we forgot our gear." Cort moaned. I wanted to as well, but it wouldn't be too hard to ask the pilot to stop along the way. The cave remained clear and no other raiders were in sight. I pulled out my comm and called the scouts in as Cort called in a transport for ourselves. Within a few minutes a group of scouts came out of hiding.

"We didn't think you would come out of there." The leader stated.

"The Force was with us both." I replied. "The back of the cave is full of weapons enough for your whole village. Take everything you can. What you leave will be destroyed when we collapse the cave. You have until our transport gets here."

"Don't worry we'll take everything if we have to drag it out by ourselves." He stated. The Twileks then rushed in while the leader called in for help. Nearly an hour passed before the Twileks had everything out. Nearly twenty scouts showed up and several small speeders.  

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