Malstrom Prison II

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"Thank you, old friend. I will finish what we started." We moved through the prison as the techs released other prisoners. Revan could not keep his eyes off of me and I could see the pain in his face. The loss and yearning. I should not have worn these robes, but how could I not? The silence built until it was nearly deafening, and still, I could not ask him anything. He listened intently to the reports of the battle at Taral V. I said just the minimum needed for my report. I stayed by his side gaining scornful looks from others who wanted or needed to talk to him alone. I marked each as a Revanite. Finally alone, just him and I. My whole body seemed to vibrate with a feeling similar to fear yet so foreign to me.

"So many lost for my freedom... Master Oteg told me of the casualties. They're devastating. My only consolation is to see the Jedi still produce great warriors. Wish I had you at my side when I faced the Emperor."

"I will not let you out of my sight. We will fight the Emperor together. That I promise."

"Knowing you are the vanguard of our order gives me hope. My link to the Emperor is broken, but I learned a lot as his prisoner. Centuries of knowledge. I'll share everything with the Jedi Council. Then, I'll end this blasted war, and the Sith Empire, forever." This was it the moment that I was so wound up about. The moment he just couldn't see that this was not his path, but mine.

"No you will not. Of all the things you need to do, more war is not the answer, more revenge does not need to be dished out. You have suffered for three hundred years and that left its mark on your soul. To ignore the advice of my ancestor Meetra Surik. You can be all things but the Foundry is a Star Forge, one steeped in the dark side of the Force. It is not your place to actively fight the Emperor. Listen to her last words. Use the enemies vessels against him. The Revanites may not be the army you want, but it is the one you need. Reach out to them and let the Republic deal with the Foundry on their terms. You lost Meetra, T3, Jolee, Juhani, Carth, Mission, Zalbaar, and Bastila with your son. You need time to grieve."

He stared at me as I felt all his hate and anger fill the room to be replaced by his loss and sorrow. I don't remember him falling or that I had moved to halt his fall bringing me to my knees. His sobs tore into my soul as they echoed through the room as well as through the Force. His despair was so powerful, I could feel that it was affecting those close to us. I ignored it as long as I could and then reached out with the Force to comfort him and the others. Letting them know this was meant to be, that with the pain and guilt released there could only be healing. I felt Cort rush in along with other Jedi. I felt them hold their arms up in the way to shield themselves from the light.

Cort moved to his knees and put his hand on my shoulder and I felt his strength added to mine as others did the same. Kira, Ashara, six other Jedi, and finally Master Oteg. Revan looked up at me and the understanding in his eyes, the awe he held, shook me to the core. This was how he felt with Bastila, no, how he felt for Meetra. The one Jedi that had never given up her hope that he would do the right thing. The devotion that she had for him to stay by him when he failed.

"You are right. I need time to heal."

"Then let us go to the Council. Let them decide what to do with the information you provide. Let go of the past and live in the present. This is my fight. Join me if you need to, but do not go fight him alone. You tried that once and failed. Jolee Bindo once said swirling Force is sometimes just swirling Force."

"Then you know your part in this could be nothing more than the visions in your head."

"They are not visions. Much of what she has said and done has been spoken of beforehand. All my struggles with saving my master and the others have been eased by her warnings."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2019 ⏰

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