Jaesa Willsaam

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I moved to the lounge and the holo turned on as I got closer. One of the general's aides came into view.

"Master Jedi we were not expecting you to call."

"Is General Var Suthra available? It is urgent that I talk to him. Tell him we almost caught the Oppressor on the edge of Alderaan space."

"I will inform him, but he is in the middle of the Senate. It maybe several hours before he can break free."

"The Senate can wait. If Darth Angral does what I think he plans, then we are in trouble."

"I'll see what I can do." The holo went dead and I sank down to the floor. I was spent as all the aggravation left me as I had given up nearly all my hope. I had an extremely bad feeling about what just happened and the Force was silent on the matter. Taking several deep breaths I felt Kira come to my side and join me. I could feel her starting to glow in the Force as I struggled to meditate. She opened her end of the bond and it calmed me enough to join her and I let everything go. I was uncertain of the future and I may have moved too soon on the knowledge I had. It was at this point that I had not planned anything further than facing the Emperor and cheating the story with my knowledge. I let even that go as a lost cause as I drifted in the Force.

"Master Onasi this better be good news. The threat that Darth Angral was broadcasting was dire."

"The Death Mark has been destroyed, and we just missed the Oppressor. I fear Master Orgus was on board."

"Then you don't know. Ensign play the holo for her. I have to warn you this will not be easy to take."

"As you know I am Darth Angral and this Jedi was foolish enough to attack my ship alone. He failed and the rest of the galaxy will suffer. The Republic in their failure has provided me with a weapon that will imprison everyone on the planet and then burn the surface clean of all life. Master Orgus will be my prisoner to witness the destruction first hand. He failed to protect your pathetic..." The transmission cut off suddenly in a blur of static.

"He didn't do as I asked."

"I am not sure what cut off his transmission, but with the combined projects we had going and nearly all of them falling to his people."

"I think that is when we opened fire on his ship."

"That would be an explanation for the transmission to end, but Master Orgus gave us a present. We picked up the ship in the Alderaan system just as the transmission started."

"How much damage do you think you caused?"

"I do not know. My crew is going over the data. We sent four proton torpedoes at his ship as it jumped into hyperspace."

"Probably nothing happened. The ship was gone long before those missiles got close enough."

"Not entirely true, general." Doctor Godera looked focus, but concerned. "If those missiles hit at exactly just before the ship jumped out of the system there is no telling how much damage was caused. Just the fact that both shielding systems would have been disabled. Only the ships armor would have protected the ship from the explosions. I will need the data, so I can analyze it myself."

"Lt Zetta transmit our data from the Oppressor."

"Roger." Doctor Godera turned away for a second.

"I have the data. It will take some time to go through it."

"My crew are working on it as well."

"I am sure they are, but they do not have access to the same sources I do. Still, they may give me a direction to go in."

"Do your best, doctor. I don't know what else for you to do. Alderaan could use your help in the time being. Do what you can for them and as soon as we have something I will let you know."

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