Shock Drum

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"We're in." The ramp raised behind us as the inner door closed once we passed it. Moments later we were on the bridge.

"Do you have the code?" Hare'em asked nervously.


"Good, but Brrik and the rest of my family went on ahead to help you, but the were stopped by the sand demons. I tried to stop them, but they were determined to help you."

"I will reach them in time. Lt Zetta will get us there."

"I really hope so." We landed on the flattest part of the desert that we could, but the vibrations were shifting the sand.

"I can't stay here."

"I know go back and get the speeders we left behind and then go to Anchorhead. We will get back another way."

"Roger that." T7 couldn't move in the shifting sand and I could hear his sad whine as we started up the speeder. In seconds wind and sand was whipping through us as we weaved our way to the entrance to the old mine. We had to stop nearly on top of where the jawas were hunkered down. Moving with the speed of the Force we barely paused as we took out the smaller Sand Demons which were very much like huge crabs. The gigantic Sand Demon was easily avoided as we moved passed the beast in stealth. Getting to the Shock Drum was painful as every nerve in my body complained about the vibrations. It took every effort to get to the device stumbling along the way with every step. Once the code cylinder was inserted, the device shut down.

We both spent nearly a minute in Introspection right next to Master Kiwiiks. When I reached over to add my Force to hers, she started to stir. Minutes passed by and Kira started to add her ability to heal. It was nothing like the story where she just got up once the Shock Drum stopped. We were actively healing her torn and bruised body. She was near death, and we desperately pushed the Force into her to heal her. When her eyes opened, the flow of the Force suddenly increased as she was able to enter a healing trance of her own. Time vanished as the three of us had only one focus.

"That is enough."

"Are you sure, Master Kiwiiks?" Kira had tear channels carved on her dirty face, but as new tears formed they were of relief and joy.

"I could feel the Force calling to me to let go, but then I felt your strength. Kira, and T'aa, you're both, changed. What has happened?"

"All that matters is that you are safe."

"I only survived this weapon by withdrawing into a deep trance. The Force itself became my armor. Sustaining the trance cost me greatly. My strength is only a fraction of it once was, but I feel it will return with time."

"That you survived is a miracle, and we will handle things from here. The Shock Drum should be buried in these tunnels with as much explosive as we can pack in and around it." Hare'em came running up as she heard me say this.

"But all that work and the people who died protecting it."

"Do you want the deaths of billions on your conscious if such a weapon was used on Coruscant or any of the other worlds? The galaxy is better off without such weapons. I will take care of its destruction."

"Are you sure you are up for it? This was a powerful ordeal."

"I am still a Jedi, I will be fine."

"Before we go, you need to know something, and I'd rather you hear it from me. I never told you about my childhood. I'm not who you think I am."

Kira again told of her upbringing as a Sith and her life before she Kiwiiks found her. Master Kiwiiks listen intently encouraging her to tell her more as she drank water, and we all had a bite to eat. In the end Kira and Kiwiiks hugged after such a powerful response. Master Kiwiiks told her she is a strong, capable young woman, and one day a great Jedi. We stayed on Tatooine for several more hours before heading back to our ship. We had been barely on the planet for a day. The ship had been moved to the spaceport in Anchorhead. I had contacted the others and planned to meet them in the cantina. Kira stayed with Master Kiwiiks to help her against her urging us to continue our mission. T7 was at my side as we entered the cantina.

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