Tython Jedi Temple (Part Two)

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"Hurry up and wait." I whispered to myself. Not long after that a small group of knights left, and I was waved in. The chamber was nothing like the game. It mirrored the Council chambers on Coruscant from the movies without the view. Only a few chairs were filled with masters as the others were filled with holo images of the masters away from the temple. I stopped at the edge and listened.

"I searched the temple archives. Callef never received Jedi training." Master Bela Kiwiiks stated. "Nor do I think he was trained by the Sith."

"Still, shouldn't we get ready for them regardless?" Kira asked.

"Calm yourself Padawan. We can't be certain of anything." Master Din countered.

"But we have all sensed a growing darkness. Perhaps its finally revealed itself?" Kiwiiks added.

"He was leading his troops against the Jedi against us. It was a dark purpose, but possibly not the main concern. He felt we were weak, that we had to be purged." I stated. I for one wasn't going to stick with the script, but I didn't think it mattered once Kira replied.

"Well that sure brightened up the room."

"Everyone this is Padawan T'aa Onasi who saved our people in the training grounds." Master Din introduced me, and then the others. "This is Master Kiwiiks and her Padawan Kira. The other Masters are transmitting from other worlds." I nodded at each.

"It is unfortunate our numbers are scattered." Kiwiiks added. I resisted the urge to mouth along to her words.

"Indeed. The temple's safety is threatened. The Flesh Raiders were disorganized before yesterday." Master Satele stated as she entered the room. Now it was my turn to speak. Time to stir up the pot.

"They are now armed and have organized into fighting unit similar to an army. Callef didn't operate alone and his Master is on the planet. I am sure he has others helping the Flesh Raiders train and equip. We have pushed them back, but as long as they are organized we will find no peace." I explained. "I am sure little exploration has occurred farther from the temple and other areas of interest, but finding the source is needed." Master Satele opened her mouth and then closed it. Master Din paused as well.

"I'll handle it with my new Padawan." He suggested.

"Orgus you haven't taken a Padawan since Coruscant." Kiwiiks countered.

"The Force is strong in her. Stronger than I've seen in decades." he replied. I shook my head inside. I caused Master Satele not to speak, but the other two continued on.

"I can think of no finer Master to complete her training." Master Satele agreed.

"I calmly agree as well. I have envisioned this outcome." This raised all their eyebrows. "I will work hard to learn everything I can." Master Din paused again as I had taken the words out of his mouth.

"You'll find some supplies in my chambers. Go equip yourself. I'll meet you there." He ordered. I turned and walked out. I had changed a little of the meeting, but they didn't even question me revealing I had visions. I baited them and nothing. This concerned me as I didn't want to face the game's destiny. Sure defeating Vitiate was a good enough goal, but having no real effect on this made it discouraging. I got to my quarters and suited up. I wasn't sure what we would do next, so it was better I was fully ready. Once I was finished, I locked up my chest, and headed over to his chambers. I opened the chest knowing he would walk in, but I sighed as he didn't come. Was I too early or did I have to do something else? No matter. His quarters were as spartan as the others I had seen. What decorations I saw held a function at some point. I started inspecting pieces of my armor as I waited. I was working on my headset as he came in.

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