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"Master, I don't get it?" I opened my eyes looking at her across from me. "Jedi aren't allowed to feel emotions, but other than bad emotions that are bad why cut off everything else?"

"We have the Force and without controlling our emotions we would be tempted by the darkside. Love, is one that can lead to many different negative emotions. I for one recognize I have emotions. I feel them just as much as you do, but putting them aside to see clearly, or to let them go, so they do not haunt your actions. I have emotions, yet I do not allow them to interfere with my peace."

"Should we bottle up our emotions? Would that not cause an even greater risk? Is their no way to let off some steam? To have a little harmless fun?" She was giving me this look, and I was slowly aware that this was in reference to the kiss we had shared. I could see that she was struggling with the feelings that it had generated. I took in a deep breath as I searched myself. I had many feelings for her, but strangely they were not like the ones I had with Cort. I did not have any lust for her, but a base need for contact. I felt she was my sister, and a close friend. I felt the same things in her and a few others.

"Kira what happened between us was not something either of us could have controlled at the moment. It was something we both needed. I do not want it to go anywhere. I don't feel we should explore it, or that we should let it go. Our focus is our mission, and we will have times that we can have fun, but..." Kira moved forward faster than I could stop her, and she kissed me. This was much more than the deep kiss we shared the first time. It was also very different. I found myself opening to the kiss and returning it. I let the Force flow through me and I felt what she was feeling as well.

Our minds touched then merged through our bond and I now knew Kira as much as I knew Cort. All her wants, desires, urges, and memories came to me in a rapid cascade of feelings. To know someone so deeply as to know everything there ever was about her. She still had a core that I knew was even kept hidden from herself and this core I was drawn to like a bug to a light.

This was the part that made her a Child of the Emperor and I could see the strings of a bond wrapped around this core like a strangle hold. I moved toward it and started plucking one string after another free. With each string broken I got flashes of what was done to her and what she had done during those times. Vitiate was inhuman in everything he did and this was no different. I was pulled from her mind suddenly as the moment had passed. I feared opening my eyes as feeling returned to my body as I felt her still in my embrace. My eyes opened in awe of the event to see she was also as dumbstruck as I was. We stared at each other for nearly an hour without a single word, but with an understanding that transcended everything.

"Master Jedi we have landed on Alderaan. General Var Suthra is on the holo wanting to speak with you." Zetta's voice broke the hold our experience had on us, and we both giggled as we came to our feet. I let the rush of emotions out in that laugh and found a calm that had escaped me since joining this world. I was at peace with many of the things I had done and no longer worried about what needed to be done. We moved to the lounge and I settled in front of the holoterminal.

"General we are on Alderaan. Is there any word from Master Orgus?"

"Negative, considering the chaos there, it's a wonder any messages get through. Alderaan is a war zone. The nobles are fighting to decide who's in charge, and whether this world aligns with the Republic or the Empire."

"I have read the reports on what has happened on Alderaan. To withdraw from the Republic was not the best thing to do. What is my mission here?"

"My people developed the Death Mark weapon to end the conflict with surgical precision." Doctor Godera came into view.

"Remarkable device. It marks the targets with a microscopic tag. Undetectable. Tracks the targets anywhere on the planet. Feed the target's coordinates to a focused beam weapon, and it can kill them from across a continent."

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