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"T'aa, I am impressed. I feel that you are free." I looked around in my dream as it changed to a simple grassy plain with a lone tree with bench sitting under it. I smiled as I Saw Sean sitting under the tree. He had grown a nice beard along with his longer well kept hair. He wasn't in Jedi robes, but the clothing he did have would easily allow him to fight without restrictions. He looked no more than twenty five now.

"Hello Sean, I have done several things to break the script. Everyone is so much more alive to me. I see that you have been staying busy." He chuckled a bit as he gestured to the bench. I moved closer, but didn't sit right away as I took my time examining how he was presented. I was also puzzled that I didn't feel any claim to who I once was.

"Please sit, we have to talk." I felt that there was something wrong, but no clue as to what it could be.

"Is there something about Earth or the people that you don't understand?" He looked down at his feet and then directly into my eyes. For a long moment he stared before looking away.

"No, I have a very good background of Earth from you, and I am having no problems making friends. My problem is with the Force. When I was meditating, I often see what you are doing."

"You watch me?"

"Yes, and I don't mean too, but it happens. Recently I have been having problems seeing you and I fear the planet you are on is dangerous."

"Myrkr has a species that creates Force dampened spheres. What you are experiencing is me being cut off from the Force in general."

"I see, but it is more than that. Each time that you are cut off, I have this overwhelming urge to seek you out. It is almost to the point where I feel like the first time our souls touched." I took in what he was telling me and I could see a possible problem.

"Okay, then the only thing I could suggest is that you stop meditating for a while. If you do this, than the urge to seek me out should lessen. I can see that this urge could make you want to switch again."

"That is part of what I fear will happen. The other part is that if I do this, you may not go back to this body. I am sure you know what will happen."

"That we will both be in this body and your, I mean my old body without a soul will die."

"That is what I know will happen. I also don't think that you will survive if this does happen. The body you are in is originally mine, and I am sure once I am back in my body you will have no control if you can remain."

"Sean, I am T'aa, not the old Sean. I, no longer think of you as T'aa inside my old body. You are just Sean, my brother. Spend less time focused on me and focus on who you are now. Accept it as your body as if you were born to it."

"I do accept who I am now, just I am concerned that the pull maybe too strong."

"I think I know what I have to do..."

Sean jerked as his eyes flew open. The connection he had created was suddenly cut off like a light going off. He held his hands in his lap as they shook. He had a few other things to tell her, but she had cut him off. He looked at the time and went to take a shower. He needed to get ready for work. He didn't think of it as work, but many would call it that.

Three days later he could barely meditate as the urge to seek T'aa out was unbearable. He knew he shouldn't, but he couldn't sleep unless he tried. Again he failed to see even a glimpse of his old life.

Seven days have gone by and the urge is finally lessening. He got through a complete meditation without trying to seek out T'aa. He was worried about his sister being cut off from him for so long. He had searched for the planet Myrkr, and he was surprised that this world could create such a detailed fictional universe. That it was nearly perfect from what he remembered was interesting.

Ten days later he felt a minor twitch in the Force as he was meditating. He concentrated on his focus and pushed the itch out of his mind. After several hours, he later realized his sister was using the Force again. That it felt similar to how his old masters back home felt at a distance. His thoughts dwelt on her for a few minutes before he went back to the project he was working on.

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