Market and Docks (Part Two)

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"Padawan Carson? Isn't she a bit reckless?" Cort asked.

"She is rough around the edges, but a solid jedi." I replied.

"Still if you don't eat or sleep how can you keep going?" Corso asked. "I am starving." He mumbled the last part as he chewed.

"Best to eat when you can and I doubt you get to do much in Black Sun's territory at night. The place will be crawling with them and hundreds of other beings." Sanusha stated. "Better to hit them in the day when most of the scum are sleeping."

"And you know this why?" Aric asked. She smiled at him and then giggled.

"Because I just do." She purred.

"I agree as well, and after we hit the Merchant Guild hard they maybe a bit more troublesome when we get spotted." Ingo stated. "So we need to be on the top of our game. Better to rest and be alert then tired and get killed. Even you jedi need to sleep from what I have heard."

"True, but not as long as most people and if need be an hour meditating is worth a full nights sleep." I countered.

"Yet sleep can not be avoided forever." Cort stated. "I for one could use the time to meditate and study."

"<Time we need to prepare. Learn our prey's actions and territory is part of the hunt.>" Qyzen added.

"Well then let's talk strategy in the morning, say five? Go over any maps you can find and Black Sun strong holds. I for one don't like surprises." Aric suggested. I nodded as the others did, and we focused more on our meals. I had to admit there was a lot more to do then just travel, fight and talk. No sense in going in blind, and without knowing what would happen if I did die, I wasn't going to risk it. Then again we went into the market area pretty much blind. Then again I knew what to expect, but they didn't. As the meal went on, we shared quests that we had picked up so far. Ingo complained about how he nearly let some political faction break the law and how he was tempted to allow it. Sanusha told use about the Senator who got the Merchant Guild to get her in office and how she was going to confess but, Corso didn't believe her. Cort was the first to leave the table as a round of drinks came. Qyzen went with him. Ingo went to the bar and started hitting on some girl with a bit of luck as he didn't get slapped. Corso sipped his drink as he watched Aric and Sanusha talk closely together. I watched him sipping on the weak wine I had. He growled and took a big gulp as they got up to dance. I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"How can she just do that?" Corso complained.

"It is not your place. Your attraction is misguided." I replied.

"Look it isn't we were getting close, and then we link up with these two on Ord Mantell. Since then, she has been all over him, but she went with that creep in the Old Market." Corso complained. "What I don't get is we messed around, and I was sure she liked me."

"She does like you, but not romantically. Sure she may have had fun with you, but they are from the same species." I explained. "Let her go as she could find a mate with him. If she doesn't, then be a friend not a jealous lover. You must pick your battles and this one you can't win."

"But..." I stuck my finger on his lips.

"No buts there lover boy. She is her own woman and doesn't need a knight." I interrupted. I lowered my hand, and he looked at me and I blushed. The kid was quick to switch interests. I felt it even more, as I picked up his feelings through the Force. My heart started beating faster and I had resisted with Cort and Ingo was too gruff for me, but Corso was this ball of shining energy and honor. He truly lived up to the naive cowboy act. We talked a bit longer and went I finally felt tired I didn't have a place to sleep. I had also drank more than I wanted to and to distract Corso I had been full on flirting with him. I was glad I had my armor on as it was a big reminder to me as he liked to touch. Yet his touch still gave me chills, but it would have been far worse if I was wearing simple robes.

"So um you want to call it a night?" He nervously asked as I yawned. I froze and then giggled. I got up as he did and I felt he thought this was a hopeful sign. I lost my balance a bit, and he steadied me getting very close. My hands went to his chest and I felt little shocks in my fingers. He had changed out of his armor and the thin shirt didn't hide the muscles I felt. I looked up at the same time he looked down. I blinked once as his head moved and then froze as he kissed me. Every part of me screamed out that this was wrong. That I was a Jedi and I shouldn't have even started flirting, but at the same time I felt myself return the kiss until I remembered I was a guy. This wasn't like it was with Cort, as this felt wrong.

"I'm sorry. I have to go." I whimpered and rushed out of the cantina.

"Awwrgh! This is nuts." Corso complained. Sanusha giggled, and he blushed as he saw them staring at him.

"Well you are a bold one." Aric stated.

"And a jedi one at that." Sanusha added. "Don't worry she likes you. Just don't blow it." Corso moaned and collapsed into his chair. He watched them both get up and leave together. He looked around and Ingo was gone as well.

"Great I had to flirt with the Jedi." Corso moaned. He tossed a credit on the table and went to his room. 

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