Ord Mantell

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The planet was not as easy to get to as the ship had to take the Namadii Corridor and then the Celanon Spur. This slowed downed the ship as they were not like the Hydian Way hyperlanes that had constant updates to keep them fast. Still, the weeklong trip was a nice way to relax and get to know the crew. I felt I would get to like each of them in time. Kira seemed to get on Lt. Zetta's nerves quickly, but other than that they were a solid crew. As we came out of hyperspace we maneuvered to the station and I felt the planet's struggle. It was as if the place was in pain, so this is what war felt like? This was so much different from the battles on Tython and on Coruscant. This made me wonder if each planet was different in the Force?

"General Var Suthra is calling on the holoterminal." Kira reported.

"Strange that he would know exactly when we dropped into the system." I replied as we went to the station. I was expecting it so it would have been odd if he didn't call, but seeing that he did I pushed it to the back of my mind.

"General we have arrived at Ord Mantell." I stated.

"Perfect timing. I've just finished coordinating things with my men on the ground there. SIS Agent Ottau followed the enemy transmissions to a specific location planetside. He'll give you the full details. Your T7 unit can interface with Darth Angral's hyperspace data transceiver and download his communications." Var Suthra ordered. "Take the droid with you."

"T7 = oiled + charged + ready for action." He added.

"Hmph. Guess I will be playing dejarik against myself while you have all the fun." Kira stated. She was really wanting to go.

"Take a shuttle to the surface and meet Agent Ottau. Good hunting. Var Suthra out." he ordered.

"I've visited my share of seedy ports, but this one's the seediest. Just as well I'm staying behind. I'll make sure nobody steals our landing thrusters." Kira stated.

"Kira you are coming with me. He may give the orders, but he doesn't say who I take with him. Lt Zetta can handle any thieves." I replied.

"Wait you want me to go with you?" She asked.

"Why wouldn't I. Now come." I answered. "We have some gear to get and a shuttle to catch. Kira beamed in the Force and it really made even the crew a bit happier. I just hoped I didn't mess something up. As I took time to think about this on the way down to the planet I remembered that the inquisitor didn't really do much more than call Darth Angral to the planet and have her interrogated. Being with me would not lead him here or the inquisitor either. Then again it just might. The thought of fighting Angral here was nice, but I knew he would send one of his lackey's first in any event. Ferav's name popped into my head and I had to smile.

After talking to Agent Ottau, getting to the island was a bit harder than in the game. Between the artillery and fighting a few of the combatants it took four hours to get to the island. The place had a few more imperials there then in the game, and I was glad I had Kira with me. Her ability to go into stealth was needed more times than expected. I could hide in the Force similar to stealth, but not for long. However, T7 couldn't, and he didn't like staying out of sight for long. Though long enough for us to get the drop on most of the groups we came across. Lt. Marcovic didn't even see us coming, and was one of the few imperials to survive. T7 down loaded everything the computer had. T7 beeped away while he got to work.

"Desolator that doesn't sound good." Kira stated.

"No, it isn't. Not for the Republic that is." Inquisitor Ferav replied. "But you will not live long enough to let the poor Republic know. Darth Angral is waiting for me to bring back your head's." We both spun around to see the Sith and his men.

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