Child of the Emperor

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I was so glad to be back in my home. Strange how I think a ship is more home than anything. I changed into a simple ship jumper and relaxed on my bed. I cycled through the holodramas and found one that would take up some time. As my movie started, the ship lifted off. Not long after that my door chimed.

"Come in."

"Master Jedi, General Var Suthra is on the holo requesting to speak with you."

"Is it urgent?"

"Highest priority."

"Very well." I pulled on a simple robe and straightened my hair. I really needed to get it cut again, but C2 wasn't the best at hair styling. I moved to the holo where Var Suthra stood there waiting.

"You are getting hard to get a hold of, but that ship is an Aurodium mine of information."

"What can I do for you general? We are about to jump to Tatooine."

"We got a message from one of Darth Angral's closest advisers, Admiral Haklin. He has asked us for asylum. He wants to defect."

"What has this to do with us?" My mind was reeling from the implications. Kira was not interrogated at Ord Mantel and there would be not reason for them to use Haklin as bait. Did I not break the script enough to avoid this encounter? Then again the story was still going, but differently.

"Not sure, but the Admiral is on the run and there are unconfirmed reports that Haklin has earned a death mark."

"This is an obvious trap, but I have a feeling that we need to do this. No need to explain further, general, we will head there as soon as we have the coordinates."

"I agree since her requested to surrender only to Kira. Sending the data you will need of the mining facility."

"Lt Zetta change course to this location. Kira we have some things to discuss. General I will talk to you again when we reach Tatooine."

He had other things to say, but I just let him talk. He finally cut the signal once he was finished. Kira held this smirk on her face until I grabbed her hand and dragged her back to my cabin. Her confusion was concealing her guilt of what she was thinking.


"We have to talk."

"What about?"

"You have not told me much of your past and I would think that we have gotten close enough for you to do so, but I feel you are holding back. Like it would change everything."

"Is it about being a child of the emperor?"

"So you do remember?"

"Yes, and I am sorry I really haven't talked about it."

"I can understand, but this admiral is not who we are going to find. We will face one of your brothers. Valis, I think his name was."

"Valis, the name is familiar, but I don't remember him."

"Fair enough, but I just want to let you know that I am here for you and if possible we are to take him alive. I think we can help free him from the emperor's grasp."

"I doubt that is possible. If I meditate too long I feel the emperor searching for me." I gave her a hug which she stiffened up at first, but then relaxed. I felt closer to her as she did so and I giggled with the feeling. She opened up as we broke the hug and talked about a series of random events growing up on Dromund Kaas. I felt her fear and anger fad away after each little story bit by bit until she was much calmer in her presence. We trained and practiced together until we reached the old mining facility. I could feel her anxiety increase as we entered the facility. T7 was with us, and he opened the door to the hanger that showed a single figure standing next to his ship. I felt his presence was tainted by the emperor, his calm concealing his anger, confidence, and fear.

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