Fleet and The Esseles (Part One)

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Fleet was nothing like I expected. It still had the same round shape, but the station was huge, and smaller at the same time. Gone were the vaulted ceilings as many more decks could be used in the same space. The deep trenches as well. The only thing that seemed bigger was the landing bay. There were hundreds of beings moving through the station at any given point. Mostly Naval personnel, but plenty of civilian contractors. Cort and I had no problem moving through the station as Qyzen was an imposing figure and most were afraid of the species. In the game it was set up for the player in mind, but this was a fully functioning station. There were no trainers to go up to, or Class trainers to tell you what path you should take or crew skill trainers. There were plenty of shops and stalls along with vendors. The station was a pure military location. A few Jedi roaming around a minor curiosity. Most headed to the other bays to move on farther in the galaxy. We were no different.

"I thought the Tython station was large this is huge." Cort stated.

"Ya, this is big. Bigger than most cities." I replied. "Our map states we need to go this way."

"Then lead on." Cort replied. We continued on the winding path until we found the way to the Coruscant departure area. I was inspecting the flight board looking for one particular ship as I turned I bumped into a large armored figure. Looking up I had to smile as I saw the symbol on his armor, Havoc Squad. My smile remained until the angry face of the man staring down at me grabbed my attention.

"Mind getting off my foot." he growled. "You're not light."

"The fact that you are in full battle armor and that your boots are armored as well I doubt you even noticed my weight." I fired back smiling. "Havoc Squad I presume." I took my foot off his as his face softened a hair.

"Heard of us?" he asked. "Lieutenant Jonwood, Ingo Jonwood. This is Sargent Aric Jorgan."

"Jedi Knight T'aa Onasi, Jedi Knight Cort Hintal, Hunter Qyzen Fess and T7-01." T'aa replied. "Going to Coruscant by chance?"

"That is the idea. Need to get there fast." Ingo stated.

"Why don't you take the Esseles, a Wanderer class ship, very fast." a female suggested. We turned to her and I had to smile as Corso Riggs smiled back. "Name's Sanusha and this is Corso."

"I do not see the ship listed." Cort replied.

"You won't, it leaves in fifteen." Sanusha stated.

"Then let's go." Aric added. He had a good reason as Sanusha was a Cathar female. I felt some interest from the hulk that Ingo was. I felt disgusted. Not that he wasn't attractive, just that he was male.   Which was strange considering that Cort was male and I had no problem with that. Strange that was how I felt. I wondered if this ship would get attacked as in the game? Then again most things had been similar, so this would be no different. It was three days before I had the feeling to dawn my armor. It wasn't hard to join the other four as friends. Once Ingo got off his superior act, he was pleasant enough company. Corso was a flirt of the naive kind. Aric and Sanusha hit it off from the start. Her wildness countered his need to follow the rules. It was during dinner the event started.

"You know this ship ain't so bad." Corso stated as he dug into his food.

"Better than the mess they served on Ord Mantell for sure." Ingo replied.

"It does have a distinct flavor." I added.

"Better than that drab Jedi food." Aric stated. "Felt like I was eating grass and twigs. No offense to the Jedi."

"Just that they don't cater to Carnivorous appetites." Sanusha added. Since those two had gotten together, it had calmed Aric's attitude down.

"They do offer meat to those who require it." Cort countered. "You should have requested such a menu change. I am sure they would have brought something better. Qyzen here has never eaten any of our greens, either."

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