Bengel Morr and Nalen

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"Then let's not waste any time." I stated. We both rushed out and Cort met us at the tent.

"I just got word that you have the location of the Forge. My Master and I believe that Nalen Raloch will destroy the Forge." Cort explained.

"Wait didn't we capture him?" I asked.

"He escaped. Been meaning to let you know." Cort replied.

"Great that just made things worse. Come on we need speed over stealth." I stated as I jumped in a bigger speeder. T7 rolled in on the heels of Qyzen and Cort. I pressed the ignite button, and we rocketed up and over most of the buildings.

"<No way to fly closer = mountains too high. Must use cave.>" T7 reported.

"Then we shall walk." Cort replied. Walking wasn't really what we did. We fought, ran, and jumped through the cave system. Cort found a crystal that would be perfect for his saber. I smiled in agreement as we continued. The closer we got to the Forge the stronger the Raiders got. Not just in fighting ability, but in the Force as well. I wondered where the beast was when Cort found his crystal, but I didn't mind not having to face such a creature. We had enough problems with the Raiders working with the droids. Finally, we cleared out the last of the enemy.

"So this is the Forge?" Cort asked. "Wait there is two of them?"

"Well I guess they needed more, then again, there is more than two. Maybe there are many from the looks of the terrain." I suggested seeing many different stairways built along the cliff face. The one they faced was the one we wanted. I saw Master Orgus slammed against the steps as we rushed up.

"I sensed you coming. Your fear betrayed you. Your weak like my old Master. You will fall, with him." Bengel stated as he turned around. Nalen smiled as he said this. Though the three that were with him, laid on the ground in fear.

"What happened to you on Coruscant was terrible, but no reason to turn against the Jedi. Why?" I asked.

"Not the Jedi... the sick, spineless cowards that have taken their place. The traitors who let the Sith slaughter millions. You weren't on Coruscant. You never saw our greatest cut down or watched the temple burn." Morr explained. "I escaped that destruction to see my own Master surrender to the Sith. They exterminated us, and he gave up."

"Like you will give up on us settlers." Nalen added. Both Bengel and I gave him a dirty look.

"You're wrong about Master Orgus. He is training me to defeat the Sith." I declared.

"Weapons are only as strong as the ones who created them. The weak will be sacrificed today to make the Forge stronger." Bengel countered.

"You said I could destroy it." Nalen hissed.

"Silence apprentice." Bengel ordered. "The Jedi Order must be reborn from the ashes." Bengel attacked and I defended. Nalen jumped in and Cort was hard-pressed to defend against him. T7 took some of the pressure off by holding one of the Raiders at bay as well as Qyzen taking the other. Faced only with Bengel, I increased the speed at which we fought turning the defensive stance I had to full Ataru and putting Bengel on the defensive. I didn't know if seconds, minutes, or hours went by, but I breathed hard when Bengel finally went to his knees. I felt Cort as he gave me strength. The raiders were dead and Nalen was out cold at his feet.

"You have won. Why has the Force guided me to this defeat? You're stronger than any Jedi I have known. You could redeem the order and destroy the Sith." Bengel wondered. "I understand, you are the weapon I came to forge."

"I don't think so. Your destiny is to come back to the order. Lend your strength once you are whole again." T'aa countered. "That is the truth you must face. I have not wavered in my struggles. I have not resorted to anger or fear or hate like you have. Think on these things for you have served just one purpose, and that is to close an old man's wounded heart." I hit him hard knocking him out. We had won, but the fighting had just begun. Bengel Morr was holding most of the Flesh Raiders he had gathered back. They hit Kalikori village at nightfall. Every Master, Knight, and Padawan had joined the villagers including Master Satele. After a week Republic troops came down and pushed out every Flesh Raider for fifty kilometers, or they died. It truly was a sad event. A necessity knowing how the Flesh Raiders believed. From the one Raider that had joined the order we understood that they wouldn't fear us, but respect the temple for our strength.

Nearly a month had gone by since I came to Tython. Just now I was on my last mission. Not that I needed to make my own blade. I took apart the two blades I had and then attuned myself to each of the crystals inside. I also added one more feature to the hilts as I could lock them together like a dual saber. I was a Sentinel, but also a Guardian. Cort was a Sage as much as he was a Shadow. We shared quests and skills. Together we had proven stronger still. Both of us Qyzen respected, but he only called Cort Herald. I was happy enough with the title, Hero of Tython. When we faced the council it went much like it did in the game except for what I had changed. This time Cort was with me and after we both were given the rank of knight she passed out unable to control her growing sickness. I watched Cort and Master Yuon leave the chamber.

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