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"Lt. Miro is the ship ready?"

"Yes captain."

"Good inform the FDO we are departing." I watched as they completed separate duties. The ship rose once we had the okay and floated out of the hanger bay. I felt the not so subtle shift in the gravity as we passed the air shield.

"Set course for Taris jump when ready." T-7 beeped as he felt like he had wanted to run the numbers. The ship's navicomp was finished in a matter of minutes with the quickest route. I turned and left the bridge as the stars stretched out.

"Master who is this Watcher One?" Kira sat down next to me while handing me a fresh cup of stimcaf.

"He is the most likely person we will run into on Taris."

"That doesn't fit into Imperial Intelligence. Wouldn't we run into a cipher agent?"

"As much as General Var Suthra refused to tell us what was going on with the situation on Taris, you have to remember I know things."

"Oh right the visions." I shook my head as much as I had revealed to her, she had reduced it all to visions. Eventually I think she will accept it as I told her. Until then, I just nodded. What I had, was a blank. His picture was there, but most of the information on him was blank. As I had just requested the info on the top ten Watchers, fixers, and ciphers. I didn't want to tip off the IIS that I was looking for Watcher One. What I got was a list of ten of the thirty agents. It was that SIS was poorly informed or that the IIS was that much better at hiding their agents. What had kept the screen open was the signature at the bottom of the screen, Theron Shan.

"Oh, he is cute." I blinked as the screen had changed to show the file on Theron. "Could he be related to Master Shan?"

"Kira that is her son, and don't act shocked."  She still looked shocked.

"But the code."

"The code doesn't hold, when you are fighting for your life in the middle of a foxhole on a planet you don't know, with a man you trust with your life. Bonds can be way stronger than anything you encounter. As they grow, they can lead in many directions. Hers lead to having a child. No shame in that, but shame in knowing others don't approve."

"I will not break the code. That is a path to the dark side." I chucked shaking my head. "Master."

"We are not perfect. Remember that." She nodded, understanding in her own way.

"Master Jedi, we have entered orbit around Taris." It had taken several weeks to get here.

"Coordinate a landing bay planetside. I don't think our stay will be long so fuel up and start maintenance checks. No tearing apart anything that isn't critical."


"I'll be in the holo room if I am needed. Kira come with me." I was in my full armor knowing that as soon as we left the compound we would be encountering Rakghouls, rogue scavengers, and even Imperial troops. Taris was a political anchor tied around the Republic's neck. I brought up the holoprojector and typed in the code linking us with the station and Republic Command.

"General, I'm on Taris. You seemed worried about this place. Are you ready to tell me what you couldn't then?"

"I apologize for the secrecy, but this involves someone the Empire would love to get their hands on. Angral's son, Tarnis was the lead scientist on our advanced warfare projects, but these technologies were all invented by Doctor Nasan Godera. Doctor Godera is a genius. Calculating targeting algorithms in his head for fun."

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