Tython Gnarls

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Tython Gnarls

"Welcome to Tython Padawan." Derrin stated.

"Thank you. I am humbled to be here." I replied.

"Your former masters say you are becoming an expert duelist." Derrin continued nearly like the cut scene. I giggled inside at the irony.

"The masters were excellent teachers, and I was determined to learn." I replied. Nothing like the responses given. I wasn't going to remember every reply needed. Derrin went into his little speech about being assigned a master and facing the trials.

"...But when you leave Tython you will be a Jedi knight and to know yourself." he said as he finished. His speech went on for fifteen minutes, way longer, than the few sentences from the cut scene. Mostly about basic rules and where I was to sleep.

"Then show me the way." I replied.

"The speeders outside will..." His holocom beeped. "Hold on." He pulled it out and I saw Unaw I couldn't remember his last name, nor could I understand him. "Flesh raiders? They don't use blasters."

"Sounds like they do now. Better alert everyone." I suggested. He paused to say something and then turned to get the message out.

"We will need you down there as well." Derrin stated.

"On it." I stated and ran out the door. I didn't even give him time to finish his orders, but I knew them fight the flesh raiders push them back and find Unaw in the end. A droid drove the speeder down to the gnarls. I spotted Master Relnex before he saw me.

"Padawan come here..."

"Knight Keller sent me to help in any way I can, to push back the Flesh Raiders." I interrupted. He paused like he was about to chastise me, but he gave me his orders and then told me about the students I needed to find. This was the easy part of my new life knowing what they would say as I had played the game enough to remember. The hard part would be the actual fighting. I had been in the military, but I hadn't been in any combat. I didn't know how I would react, but when I made the motion to add my buff not realizing I did it until I felt a bit stronger. I smiled as I moved out of protection and out on to the field. The first line was barely holding the raiders from advancing by deflecting their fire back at them. I sprinted out and jumped thirty feet to the first raider I saw cut him down and the two next him before I moved on to the next group. There were a few others that advanced as well, but I was all over and beyond to the next line.

It was as if all her training took over along with the Force fueling me. I didn't think I just acted. I got deep enough that I found the cages of captured padawans. Some were dead in their cages, but others were able to run as I freed them. In the game the area is small. In real life as I now knew it, it was huge. I saw another padawan struggling with a group of raiders and I sprang to help him. I smiled once they were all down as it was Cort.

"Thank you I was beginning to think I would never defeat them." He stated not even breathing hard. I was a bit, but then again I had fought my way through several dozen.

"Not a problem, sweetie." I replied. He raised his eyebrow and I giggled. I really liked how I giggled. "So out finding Master Yuon's holocrons?" His mouth opened to replied and it stayed there for a second. He closed it and then smiled.

"Yes I am. How do you know this?" He asked.

"The trees talk to me." I teased. I continued before he could question my answer. "Say I need to find some padawans and one named Unaw. I'll help you finish and you help me. We both watch each others backs."

"I think that is wise." He agreed. We fought to each point and like the game one was missing. It took two hours to find the missing padawans. I found one thing different as I needed to stop an attack on the lost padawans. Cort ran after me as I leaped into battle. The two padawans looked like they were about to panic seeing the three raiders rushing them. I cut down one and then fought the second as he turned to face the bigger threat me. The third exchanged blows with the two padawans before Cort took it from behind bringing him down about the same time I slew mine. The girl cheered and the other just dropped checking on his wounded friend.

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