Coruscant, Ranna, and Cort

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"Knight T'aa Please remain." Master Satele ordered. I had done a few things that they should remind me of. Chewing out Master Quilljayk for not teaching his Padawan in the way he would have understood. Or maybe they had heard from T7 of the times I had kissed Ranna. I still had to say goodbye to her.

"Priority signal via Coruscant, from Master Kiwiiks." the aid declared.

"Master Orgus I have discovered a situation that requires further assistance. The suppositions we have about Coruscant are correct the dark presence is strongest here." she reported.

"This will require the help of our best. Master Orgus and Knight T'aa you should join Master Kiwiiks on Coruscant." Satele ordered.

"Very well, wrap up any unfinished business and meet me on Coruscant." Master Orgus suggested. "I have something unfinished I must do, as well." 

 We left the council together. I split off and packed up my belongings back into the little chest. I carried it to the holding room for departures before heading out to Kalikori village. I walked into the Matriarch's office for the last time. I had done so much for her people. I fought for them beside them, and lead them in battle. I never felt connected to anyone or any group of people, but this village was like home for me. Ranna smiled as she spotted me. Still, her meeting took a good fifteen minutes before she shooed them away. Ranna waved me to follow and I did all the way into her private quarters.

"Tea?" She asked.

"A small cup. I have to leave here soon. It maybe a long time before I return." I stated.

"I know you are a Jedi you go where you are needed." Ranna replied. "Just wish you didn't have to go."

"I know I don't want to either. I will always view this as home." I stated as I moved behind her. She pressed into me as I wrapped my arms around her. She then turned around and added her lekku to the hug she gave me. There was no doubt that she cared for me deeply.

"You must. The Galaxy will be a better place if you are out there protecting it." Ranna countered. She then kissed me and I returned her passionate kiss. "I can't love you as I want to, but there is a custom we have. It would make us sisters forever."

"I am flattered, but we are sisters. Here in our hearts. That is all we need. I tread two worlds and one demands I form no attachments." I refused. She wasn't disappointed as she kissed me again. I think she tried everything she could to keep me there. My lord I now knew why Twilek women were prized as sex slaves. I didn't feel a bit of dark side from our love making. I felt happy and content. She really did convince me to stay, however I had a duty to serve. I left her not with tears but with laughter and kisses. Oh, this was good.

Cort dragged his chest on to the shuttle as we were bound for the fleet. I giggled watching him struggle. Qyzen was amused as well. Then T7 whistled as Cort dropped the chest.

"Funny, very funny." He stated and chuckled himself.

"Well you know you shouldn't have added all that junk to your chest." I replied.

"Well I need those items." He protested. "Strange isn't it?"

"Excuse me?" I didn't understand his switch.

"We arrived on Tython together and not knowing that we both are stronger than many in decades. You with combat and I with healing. That we now depart together makes me wonder if we will ever see each other again." Cort explained.

"Cort I am not going to let you out of planet range. We are going to Coruscant, and we will be running into each other so much that we might as we be in a party group. I am sure we will find others to run with as well." I replied. "You can't get rid of me at all." He chuckled as he locked down his chest. He then settled in next to me just before the shuttle took off. The shuttle maneuvered out of the hanger and then blasted for space. The craft shook more than it did when we arrived, or was it because I was wearing a humble outfit. 

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