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Time to call in the cavalry." I replied. In a moment I had General Var Suthra out of bed and on the holoprojector.

"Why are you in the Jedi Temple?" Var Suthra asked.

"We found the Planet Prison and Tarnis. He is currently sleeping. However Darth Angral is not happy we defeated him and declared him dead and will use that excuse to carry out his revenge. General you need to send a fleet to Uphrades and Tython. He will use the Planet Prison on them first in order. Once in place he will burn the atmosphere with another device. Wiping the planet of all life. Few will survive if at all." I warned. "Do not disregard this warning."

"That will be terrible if that happens. We'll send out a fleet immediately to both those locations. Hopefully he won't pick a different location to test his weapons." Var Suthra replied. "Better get back here we have a lot of planning to do."

"About that General. The Temple is over run with Imperials. I would send a company or two to round them up. Better if you have a battalion." I suggested. "That or a strike team to come in by shuttle and pick us up. Though the Temple still has to be secured."

"Already on the way. With imperials on the planet the Senate will freak out if they are not taken care of by the time they hear of it." He stated. "Var Suthra out." The wait wasn't too long. Cort was successful in sending Tarnis into hibernation. He wouldn't have a chance of waking up any time soon. Qyzen T7 and myself cleared an area large enough for a shuttle to land. The enormous opening was suddenly filled with gunships and Republic troops dropped out of them as the area lit up in a fire fight. We guarded the area until another transport landed near us.

"Master Jedi we are here for you." A trooper stated as he stopped in front of us.

"Thank you soldier. I would pass it on that some teams need to drop into the Works and clear it out too. You need to do a top to bottom search." I suggested.

"Do you really think there are so many?" The soldier asked.

"Yes, and capture who you can as live enemy is better proof then dead ones." I suggested. "Their accent alone gives them away."

"Yes Master Jedi." He replied and then saluted before guiding his team further out while talking on his comms. It took nearly until eight in the morning before there was a team of jedi available to haul Tarnis to Tython. Cort, T7, and Qyzen had joined the others earlier. Once Kira and I Arrived in the Justicar territory we saw the effect that they left behind.

"By the Force?! Is this how it is with war? So much death." Kira stated. I felt the emotional scars as well. Though it was not as bad as the Guild or the Black Sun. Republic security had already gone farther in than the check points that had been controlled by the Justicars.

"This is not as bad as it can be Kira. Though war of any type is not clean or less than tragic. These people over there decided to surrender. In the Old Galactic Market sector very few ran and none surrendered. The Black Sun were worse." I replied. "Come we need to catch up to the others."

"Right with you master." Kira answered. We followed the coordinates that T7 constantly updated as we passed security personal move prisoners back to the landing pad. Some were wounded, but others just fine. Still the occasional body would pass as well. I felt the anger and pain some felt. The grief and shame of the others. Even relief from some of them as well.

"You've got guts, Jedi. Walking into my base. Stealing two of my Noetikons." Lars Baddeg declared.

"Those Noetikons were looted from the Jedi Temple." Cort countered.

"You've messed everything up. They said I could rule the Justicars territory if I got them the Noetikons. Just one left and it is theirs." Lars stated.

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