Coruscant Senate area

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Coruscant was impressive. I couldn't believe a planet could be converted into an entire city. Then again I had to believe what my eyes were showing me far below as we moved along a corridor to get to the shuttle that would take us down to the spaceport near the Senate building. Everyone of us had to go to the Senate building except for Sanusha. We agreed to keep in touch as I knew we would be in the same areas. Walking into the Senate building was impressive. Much grander than the game. There was even a walkway that moved so you could stand and take it easy while it brought you inside. After talking to the dirty senator we parted ways as we each had different parts to go to. I took a deep breath and entered the office where I would find Var Suthra and Tarnis. The debate going through my head was troubling. I could let Tarnis go or I could reveal him as the thief. I knew how it would go if I let things play out, but if I confronted him I needed proof. That I got almost instantly as I entered the room. Unlike Masters Kiwiiks, and Orgus, or Padawan Kira, I tested Tarnis with the Force. It took all my willpower not to enter the room and cut him down right there. I took another deep breath and walked in.

"Tell me what's happening." I demanded already on edge, as I looked from each being there focusing on Tarnis last.

"You remember Master Kiwiiks and Padawan Kira. This is General Var Suthra and Doctor Eli Tarnis." Master Orgus introduced them. "We're discussing why the Republic secretly built a planetary scale weapon without consulting the Jedi."

"My work barely qualifies as a weapon. It is the most humane military technology ever invented. With a single activation the Planet Prison super charges a world's upper atmosphere. Turning it into an enormous ion cannon." Tarnis explained. "Any starship entering or leaving the planet will be completely disabled. Perfect enemy containment. Without casualties." I smiled as I saw he felt my mental touch. "We were about to begin field testing when this useless debate started."

"I disagree with you, doctor. Sure it will hold a population prisoner, but the ships that are disabled will crash to the ground most likely killing all aboard. Add in another weapon and it could be used to contain the population while the second weapon sets the very atmosphere on fire. No one could survive such an event. Then again I would expect no less from Darth Angral's son." There I said it. I could feel his hatred as much as the shock from the others. Tarnis backed up. I just think of what his mind was coming up with to get out of this. "The fact that you arranged the theft using the Black Sun is cleaver to protect yourself from exposure. Unfortunately I feel out any person I meet for the first time and you reek of the dark side, Tarnis."

"Knight T'aa you have no proof to think the doctor is a Sith." General Var Suthra countered.

"I would warn that you take that statement back, but I feel it as well." Master Kiwiiks added. I felt a bit lighter that she agreed.

"Again you surprise me T'aa. Even I was not expecting this." Master Orgus stated.

"You have already doomed yourselves." Tarnis hissed. This exposed him as the Sith he was more so than the little lightsaber he drew from one of his pockets.

"You are facing four Jedi, Sith you can't hope to fight free." Kira growled as her dual blades activated.

"Eli Tarnis you are under arrest." Var Suthra ordered. "Surrender now before they have to act."

"Never!" He pulled in the Force and I simply slammed him with the Force before he could let go of the lightning he was going to release. I held him against the wall and ripped the blade from his hand. He struggled as shock of my attack sunk in. Then he relaxed knowing he was defeated.

"How can you be so strong? Jedi are weak fools." Tarnis wondered. He started to struggle and I held him tighter forcing him to worry about his breathing.

"Ease off a bit T'aa you don't want to kill him." Master Orgus stated. I didn't want him to think about escaping.

"I called in my men, they will handle him fine." General Var Suthra stated. "He isn't going anywhere."

"Kira, stand down." Master Kiwiiks ordered.

"Yes Master." Kira replied putting her weapon away. I got up close to Tarnis and removed his belt and weapon flinging it across the room before knocking him out. Master Orgus placed a hand on my shoulder preventing a second blow.

"Easy, he is no threat now." He stated.

"General, he is more dangerous than you know. You better place more guards with him than just two." I warned.

"My men are veterans they know how to handle Force users." Var Suthra replied as they bound Tarnis before dragging him out. Then the script came alive again as Master Orgus spoke.

"Master Kiwiiks and I must speak with the Supreme Chancellor. I need you here finding those design files." He ordered.

"Understood." I replied.

"You stay as well Kira. Your security expertise may come in handy." Master Kiwiiks added.

"General, we have a lead on the thieves." Agent Galen reported as he ran in and saluted. I toned out what was said as I couldn't believe how fast this strange fate got back on track. I should have let Tarnis attack, so I could have dueled him to the death. His death more likely. I wonder what would have happened then? I doubted he would remain in captivity for long.

"... Nasty bunch of criminals." Galen finished his report. He waited for me to say something. I didn't as I looked to him and then Kira. Then he continued. "The guild is a violent, well armed criminal cartel. Invading their headquarters is something only a Jedi could pull off." I looked to Kira next before she began to speak.

"Agent let's use your fancy security network to distract those gangsters. Give my friend and the thief some quality time." Kira suggested.

"When you find Vistis, contact me. The data files are top priority, but try to recover anything else that was stolen from us. Good luck." Galen ordered.

"Agent Galen I would highly recommend that the general should put a military unit at the Jedi Temple. They will find plenty of reasons to stay as I know that Imperials are in control there." I suggested not that I felt it would do any good. My efforts had failed to change anything. My warnings gone unheeded. Now all that had to happen was that Tarnis would escape. When that happened, I would be stuck repeating the game in my real life until Taris. Maybe then I could change things up? I thought. Still, it was depressing that I had failed to change anything. 

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