Black Sun (Part Two)

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"Sanusha and Cort you go with the sergeant here." Ingo ordered. "The rest will hit the front." We moved quickly getting to their base. From what I remembered there was barely any mobs in the area, but we had to fight through to get to the base and down the halls of the base. The room had only one inside as we approached him. He was talking to a hooded figure and I knew it had to be Tarnis.

"Tarnis! We risked everything for you. Stealing those files faking your kidnapping... this is how you repay us Sith?!" Salarr complained.

"You were compensated with enough weapons and armor to make Black Sun invulnerable." Tarnis replied. We quietly moved closer.

"Invincible? There's a jedi with Havoc squad carving up my base." Salarr countered. "This is your fault. We never should've trusted a Sith!"

"If a jedi has come for you, Salarr, it wasn't my doing." Tarnis declared.

"You won't get away with this Tarnis. I should have taken you down instead of having you arrested." I declared.

"The name is Lord Tarnis. I have no time for this nonsense. Finish your pointless battle. Coruscant's fate is already sealed." Tarnis vanished from the holo.

"Well I guess I am outnumbered." Salarr stated.

"That is true." Aric replied as he shot him with a stun shot.

"Can't believe it we just took down Salarr." Sgt Nidaljo stated. "Black Sun won't forget that anytime soon. This victory will the soldiers I lost meaning. Reinforcements should be here soon."

"Come on Aric let's go give them a welcome." Ingo ordered.

"There you are." Kira came up on the holo. "We intercepted Salarr's holocall to Tarnis. However, I got some bad news. The planet prism prototype at the lab? A fake. Tarnis stole the real device."

"Trace the location Tarnis is working from. We need to know where he is operating from." I ordered.

"Already working on it. We need you back at the Senate tower." Kira requested.

"Understood, but it is going to take a while to clear this sector." Sanusha countered. "We have other missions and the gang down here has started a war that security forces are ill-equipped to handle."

"We'll be there by tonight." I added. "T'aa out." Kira looked confused, but nodded without saying anything more. I did wonder as we left there why I just kind of followed the script. I guessed it was just easier. The fighting got worse after we took down Salarr. The fact that not only did we take them out, but that Sgt Nidaljo had someone to answer for their crimes. It was well after what would have been dark if the sun rays got down this far, before we made it back to Stansun.

"Wow I didn't think to see you back here for a week." Stansun stated. "Got reports coming in from all over the territory that Black Sun is just gone."

"We told you there wouldn't be any of them left." Ingo stated.

"I will never doubt Havoc squad again. We got security teams and medical units running in there to clean up the mess." Stansun reported. "Hopefully we can hold on to it this time."

"I am sure you will as will the teams in the Old Galactic Market area." Ingo replied. "Thanks for the credits added to our budget."

"Hey what about our cut?" Corso complained.

"Don't worry I got your pay." Sanusha countered. "Come on I could use a shower, and we all have personal things to take care of near the Senate Plaza."

"You won't hear any complaint from me." Cort added. Since he fell in a pile of who knows what, he stunk.

"I am glad you are all on our side." Stansun said as we headed for the taxis. He sure didn't follow the script, so why was I doing it? This time getting back to the cantina I followed Sanusha to the hotel and got myself a room like I should have. It was so much better taking a shower in the hotel instead of the poor excuse of a shower in the security office. I changed into some Bastila's robes to go see General Var Suthra. I still needed to eat, but it could wait. As I entered the Senate building, I met Ingo coming out.

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