Finishing Coruscant

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"Kira, Cort let's strip them." I suggested. Kira grin as we all reached out and stripped each of them to their underwear. Kardan looked on in shock then burst into laughter. It felt real good not to have to fight these guys or him. Though letting him go and turn himself in wasn't viable. We still had a full on raging battle to get back to. Kardan fought along side Ingo and Aric. He really helped push the tired troops and he gave valuable tactical advice. The fighting took another week and I was getting worried. Darth Angral was out there somewhere with his ship able to destroy a world.

"I need a vacation." Sanusha mumbled as we made it back into the Temple.

"We will have it soon. Cort just has to speak and learn from the Noetikons to help his master. It will be only a few hours. With all the Imperials rounded up you can go back to the cantina if you want." I replied.

"No I'll stay. Don't want to miss any fun with you guys." Sanusha stated. "Then again watching a Jedi talk to ghost may not be interesting, but I have a feeling it may get interesting."

"Perhaps, there is still this apprentice that is unaccounted for." Cort remarked. "It would be appreciated if you help guard the area."

"We got your back." Corso replied. We move into the computer room thirty minutes later. I didn't know what else to call it. We all watched Cort learn the new healing technique. I tried as well but I was lost after the first hour. Kira made it two hours before she too was overwhelmed by everything that was needed to remember and do. Cort absorbed everything like a sponge. Sanusha and Corso were out like a light and Qyzen was nearly so as he practiced slowly with his staff. Kira and I still meditated after we gave up, and it was like this when the Sith entered the chamber boldly.

"Come sit he is nearly finished." I suggested as he got closer.

"Three Jedi is most unexpected. No matter my master will be pleased to hear of my victory." the Sith boasted.

"He is even more delusional than Lord Tarnis." Kira stated.

"Very true. He should sit as we are tired of fighting. He may find a peaceful use for his anger here." I replied.

"Enough! I will not bow down to my lessors." the Sith declared as he ignited his lightsaber.

"They never learn." Kira stated.

"No they do not." I replied just before a leaped at him. Kira headed off his two helpers while we fought. In comparison he was much better at dueling than Tarnis was, but he went down nearly as fast. Kira held the other two at bay until Sanusha and Corso woke up and joined the fight. The two got hit multiple times by stun blasts before going down and Kira and I held the Sith in place while the same happened to him. He resisted for ten minutes before passing out himself.

"It was about time he tired." Cort stated just as the fight ended. "Though I doubt he will come back to the light."

"Perhaps, but from my memory he was killed. Now he remains alive and a master will take an interest in bringing him to the light." I replied. "Speaking of lost souls. I wonder if Callef and Bengal Morr are doing okay?"

"Yes those two might make good Jedi. Seeing Bengal Morr return to the light should bring the boy to the light as well." Cort suggested. "Come we must hurry back to the Senate tower. Yuon Parr is getting weaker by the minute."

"Let's go." Corso urged. How that boy had so much energy, I would never know. Cort called in some engineers to come in and remove the computer after he collected the Noetikons. It wouldn't be good if the machine was left unguarded and the Temple on Tython was a better place for it to learn from. With this we were finished with Coruscant. There were a few small things to take care of, but my only concern was getting my sleep and my ship. About an hour later Kira and I walked into General Var Suthra's office.

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