Battle on the Esseles (Part Two)

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"Okay, Ingo, Aric, Cort, Qyzen and Corso, along with T7 shall stay here and defend the bridge. Sanusha, and I will go to the primary airlock and then to engineer once we take them out." I ordered. "Shut it Plex!" I then glared at him and his mouth closed. "You too, Haken. As a Jedi Knight I will take over command of this ship if I have to. Have your security team defend the secondary air lock."

"Why they said where they are coming through." Haken asked.

"Do you think an Imp would tell the truth?" Ingo countered. "Rule of war, make them think you are attacking where you are not. I don't think we should split up."

"That is okay you get to fight Mandos. Perfect for Havoc Squad." I revealed. "We get the suicide squad and a few droids."

"Is this another of your visions?" Cort leaned over and whispered. I grinned at him quickly before blanking my expression as I nodded.

"Why do they get all the firepower?" Sanusha asked as we moved out of the bridge.

"Cause they will need it. I need your slicing skills and I will be enough for the boarding party." T'aa stated. "I might even let you take a shot or two." My wink was followed by her smile.

"In your dreams Jedi." she countered. I just turned and took off with her right behind me. We met little resistance along the way to the airlock. I frowned as Commander Narlock was standing there giving a pep talk to his men.

"This is it men. This is what you've been training for." Commander Narlock inspired. "The Imp..."

"What are you doing here?" I asked to interrupt them. "Didn't Haken tell you to guard the secondary airlock?"

"No he didn't, but that airlock is well guarded." Narlock replied.

"Fine, but we can handle the boarding party alone. I know you have been training for this so. I want you men to take up positions to the left and the right of the lock. Wait until they pass before letting them have it. Take good aim cause I will be all over the place." I ordered. "May the Force be with us."

"You don't think that was a bit much?" Sanusha wondered as they moved out.

"No I don't. We don't need them and I would rather they don't get shot." I replied.

"They may surprise us." she added. I was sure they wouldn't. The airlock blew and the Imps pored through. I leaped to the first one and knocked back the ten behind. Commander Narlock's troops opened fire and it didn't go well for the Imps. Sanusha was shooting one after the other all head shots. I would have smiled had she had time to notice. Three waves of troops came through before Lt. Irsic showed up.

"Surrender, surrender!" he yelled just before I lifted him in the air and threw him into the bulkhead. He slammed hard enough that he dropped his weapons. Sanusha hit him with a dozen shots as I dealt with the troops that came behind him. He was dead before he hit the deck. The emergency shield finally came up and the remaining boarding party was stopped just behind the shield. I wasn't surprised as the crew celebrated. They were fairly useful in the fight. I tapped the button on my headset.

"Cort how is the bridge?" I asked. The sound of fighting came through as he talked.

"We have the bridge well guarded. The Mandos landed in the hanger and a few other places. We defeated one called Ironfist, but the rest are not giving up." Cort reported.

"Okay keep at it. We'll clear engineering before we head back to the bridge." I stated and then broke the connection.

"Hah! Victory! We've done it, men, we've done it! The ship is saved!" Cmdr. Narlock cheered.

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