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"Master Orgus sent us. We came as fast as we could." She stated.

"This raider called me Jedi, and he pushed me with the Force. I felt these others using the Force as well." I replied.

"That's troubling. If the Flesh Raiders are learning the ways of the Force, it won't be on the side of the light." Master Kiwiiks suggested.

"You sure made short work of this bunch. You ever leave survivors?" Kira asked. She looked impressed.

"For right now they leave me little choice. Then again I don't stop to ask. Thought there maybe one that will surprise us yet." I replied. She looked at me confused.

"Hey I... well... Okay shutting up." Kira didn't know how to respond to what I said.

"This Flesh raider carried a holocron. Thousands of years old from the looks of it. Master Orgus was right. These natives are more advanced than we realized. They're learning how to fight us." Kiwiiks explained as she pulled the device from the corpse.

"Master Orgus thinks Bengel Morr is behind it. Though he won't say it." I replied.

"I gathered as much, but he had no time to explain before sending us here. I wish we could stay, see this through, but Master Satele has ordered us to Coruscant on a special mission." She added. "Has he told you of his former padawan?"

"I know enough." It wasn't a direct answer, but I couldn't tell her that I knew everything about him.

"All those bad feelings the council's been having? She thinks the Republic capital is the source." Kira revealed.

"I'm sorry to have to leave you, but the danger is passed. These surveillance monitors will keep watch on Kaleth." She then explained where to place them in detail using a map. I t felt strange that I was following the game so much. Could I really change things, or if I did would it alter things beyond repair. I sure got a strange look from Kira when she turned to leave. I smiled, but she did smile back. She looked confused like she was seeing things like I did? I wondered. Only time would tell. I went around and placed the sensors. I fought only a droid or two. I wondered if I would see more the next time we came through here. For some reason I thought so. My comm beeped and I smiled as Master Orgus appeared.

"Yes Master." I greeted.

"I'm on my way back to the Twilek settlement meet me there soon as you can." He stated. He cut the link and I sprinted back to the Forward Camp, then took a taxi to Kalikori Village. I dropped off my pack at the tent. I took off my armor as it was close to nightfall. I left the bodysuit on and only added the simple tunic and a different pair of boots, before moving on to meet with Orgus. This back and forth was slowly getting to me. It was fine for a game, but I thought there would be a lot more in between, then again we had to get to Bengel Morr quickly. I knew this wasn't the time they were going to betray me, but it was coming up.

"Master Kiwiiks told me what you found in Kaleth... A Flesh Raider who used the Force." Master Orgus stated while he worked on T7. "She thought he was learning from an old holocron. I wish that was true. The man who attacked you when you first arrived? His lightsaber had a familiar aspect. This droid's holorecording confirmed my suspicions." T7 beeped out that he was sorry to bring bad news. "The hooded figure in that is Bengel Morr, like you have been saying this whole time. He was my padawan, but he never completed his training. He was in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant when the Sith destroyed it."

"Yet not only did he survive he now wants to purge the Jedi Order because he thinks it is too weak to face the Sith. A hard way to wake up to the injustices of life, with no one to guide him." I replied. Master Orgus nodded.

"The temple was destroyed with hundreds of Jedi dead. Many were not recovered. Bengel was strong in the Force and the most gentle being I've ever known. For him to turn against the Jedi..." Master Din paused, took a breath and finished. "He has to be stopped." I could tell this would be hard on him. He was attached to the boy who now had grown into an adult. It was this reason he didn't take on a new Padawan, cause he feared to lose another. I stepped forward fully intent on hugging him. We were interrupted when Ranna came up.

"Apologies for keeping you waiting. Our people's Matriarch... my mother is dying." Ranna declared with tears flowing down her face. I hugged her instead. She didn't expect it, but I had to hug somebody or I would have cried.

"That is terrible news. I knew Cort was holding back when he told of seeing your mother. Could the Jedi healer not do anything for her?" I wondered. Ranna shook her head as she hugged me tighter. "You are stronger than you think. You will be alright." I am not sure how long we just shared this simple hug. If I still had my armor on I don't think the hug would have lasted or that my shoulder would have gotten wet from her crying. Master Orgus cleared his throat. We pulled apart and I got her to show me a small smile to counter my bigger one. I felt really good for hugging her.

"I wasn't expecting to lead our people for many years. My scouts identified a Flesh Raider command base in the mountains. It is protected by an energy shield. The shield generator is hidden on a different mountain in a well guarded cave network." Ranna stated once she wiped her eyes clear.

"That command base is probably coordinating the attacks in the region. I need to get inside there." Master Orgus replied. "You up for knocking out the power generator?"

"I am ready." I answered. He nodded as T7 beeped out that he had a secondary mission to perform a high level scan of enemy forces claiming the mountain paths were too dangerous for himself.

"Hmm, see if you can give the droid an opening to gather more intelligence." T7 whistled he was giving me a head start, and he would follow when it was clear. "That energy shield is your top priority. Knock it out as fast as you can."

"I will, Master. You be careful as well. Bengel Morr will be more than willing to kill you." I warned as I turned to go. He didn't even flinch. I had broken the script, but now I was wondering if I would ever stop the flow or change it in any way? Still, there was not a day that had gone by that I didn't feel on top of the world. Even fighting the Flesh Raiders was challenging and fun. I know killing shouldn't be fun, but it was until they dropped from my blade. That small part sucked. I just couldn't think of this being real even if it was. I decided that I needed to be more careful from now on. I called Cort as I changed and his comm was turned off. It was late at night, so I didn't think he would be up. Still, I wanted his company. I armored back up and took a speeder bike from the taxi area. I wasn't going to walk into the mountains. The bike would get me close with minimal time lost.  

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