On The Way to Kaleth

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When the transport landed for us it was empty. Cort and I tore down the front of the cave sealing in the dead. The transport dropped me off at the village and took Cort on to the temple. Once my gear was put in our camp, I changed into a different bodysuit after I cleaned up a bit. With my armor cleaner I headed to the Matriarch's building. I spoke with Ghon telling him of his father's death and dumped a bag of raider teeth at his feet. The Twilek was stunned as his anger faded away. I dropped off the claws for the sick girl, told the one Jedi of the totems, and then told Ayon that the potions were destroyed as well. There were a few other quests I needed to complete, but I needed to speak with the Matriarch. I hoped she was still alive.

"She died in my arms. You should have seen what those filth did to her." Saylew reported in his grief as we walked in.

"I am sorry Saylew. We all share your loss." Ranna replied.

"For every one of us the Flesh Raiders butchers, we should kill ten! No, a hundred." Saylew demanded.

"Will that restore your loved ones to life?" Master Orgus replied.

"Don't lecture me, Jedi. My wife is dead! Our people slaughtered! Where were you then?" Saylew questioned angrily.

"I am truly sorry for your loss, and we will do what we can, but to demand vengeance is wrong. It solves nothing, but here take this and know what I was doing. The Flesh Raiders will stop." He took the bag from my hand.

"When will it end? The Flesh Raiders won't stop until we are all dead. Will you let that happen?" He demanded to know. I pointed to the bag.

"I won't quit, Saylew. You will know this once you open the bag in private. I didn't bring that back to give you a taste of vengeance, but to show you I have been fighting them just as hard. Also, I will not stop, until they are defeated. That is the promise in the bag, now go grieve for your wife." I ordered. He looked to say something, but rushed out of the room.

"I hope you can fulfill that pledge. I fear he won't take disappointment well. People wonder why Jedi are forbidden to marry or have families. They don't see how attachments always lead to suffering. Passionate emotions can destroy a person, and Jedi destroyed by passion become something terrible." Orgus explained. "What did you give him?"

"A bag of Flesh Raider teeth. I knew he would demand vengeance and not believe that we were doing what we can. It was a morbid sign that only he will understand." I explained. Master Orgus didn't look pleased. "As far as passion. The whole galaxy has relationships and not all lead to suffering. Problems and strife, difficulties and loss come to all, but many learn and grow from it. That is a part of life. It is the strength of a relationship that will dictate how well it survives. I heard once it is better to love and lose then to never have loved at all. If one day I have the wisdom and strength to truly love someone I just might. Now this little droid needs to report." I did this to prevent Orgus from replying or chastising me for my belief. I wasn't sure it would work, but it took his focus away from me. T7 beeped and whistled for nearly a minute.

"While I deal with the droid, talk to Ranna. I think her people are ready to help us, thanks to you." He ordered. "And don't think we will not talk later, Padawan."

"Yes Master." I added before I walked over to Ranna.

"With the weapons and technology you freed from the Flesh Raiders, my people can defend themselves. You risked your life to help us, and Nalen hasn't been around for weeks." Ranna stated.

"They will indeed and there was enough to arm all your people. Though you... no never mind." I blushed looking at her and she blushed as well.

"Oh, I... ah, should give the information you requested, Moorint your report." She awkwardly finished. I smiled at her while Moorint began to speak.

"Scouts report that the Flesh Raiders are gathering in strength, even after your raid. They already control the mountains around us and now they are invading Kaleth. My men spotted them at the remains of an ancient shrine. Close to your Jedi Temple." Moorint reported.

"Kaleth was a great city of Force users. Its ruins hold powers we still don't understand." Master Orgus explained.

"The Flesh Raiders are looking for something there." Moorint added.

"We can't let them find it. Drive back those Flesh Raiders immediately. I have to take this droid back to the Council. If that hooded figure is Bengel Morr, than the situation is worse than I thought." Master Orgus stated. "Do whatever it takes to push the Flesh Raiders out of Kaleth. I'll send you reinforcements as soon as possible."

"I'll do what I must and more if I have to. Though it is better with allies, Master." I replied.

"If you see that hooded figure from the holo, do not engage him. Now get going." Master Orgus ordered. I thought to break the script again, but felt it not worth trying. I knew I wouldn't see him anyways until the forge. I headed to my camp and resupplied. I then to a taxi back to the temple as Kaleth was the other direction and I didn't think I wanted to head out from here alone. True I felt like I could handle myself and avoid conflict, but the time to get there would not fulfill my orders very well. I arrived at the time Cort was about to set off. Now it made more sense.

"Hey Cort you headed out to Kaleth as well?" I asked jumping from the speeder.

"Yes I am. I was going to take a speeder out to the Forward Camp." Cort replied.

"It isn't far and I think we will get a couple interesting requests along the way." I countered. Cort shrugged and we headed out. What I wanted was to see if we would get the romance quest and the delivery quest from Tia. Neither one was there and that made me wonder. As we got to the Forward Camp, I saw why as it wasn't safe past that point. Still, the walk gave us time to talk. I really liked Cort not that I had any feelings for him, just that he wasn't scripted like everyone else. I still hadn't dealt with being a woman though it hadn't been any different so far other than the shower. I loved that shower, just too afraid to do it again. We entered Kaleth and I spotted the stone first.

"How about that right at the entrance." I pointed out.

"It can't be that easy. A couple of droids and that is all that was defending this?" Cort questioned. He examined the stone and a droid came up. I knew what it would say, so I went a bit farther to wait for him.

"Alright that was odd it wants me to fight some droids over there." Cort stated.

"Well lets make some scrap out of them." I suggested and we did just that. I then let Cort fight the droids that he had to fight, and he looked at me with a questioning look after he was done. I smiled. "Hey it was your quest and I don't think you would have gotten a favorable report if I helped."

"Yes, you are right." Cort agreed. The droid surprised me cause it thought I was going to interfere. He talked to Master Yuon Par briefly. "I have to go back to the temple."

"Okay, but I have to go further in to stop some Flesh Raiders. You can tag along, but I don't think I'll need you." I stated. "Meet you back at the Forward Camp."

"Are you sure?" He asked. I nodded. I had to do somethings by myself. Plus I felt I could move faster. As soon as he was out of sight, I burst into a run. I wanted to see just how fast I could be. I startled droids all along the way, but only one shot close to me. I didn't encounter any Flesh Raiders until I entered Meditation Tunnel. They fought with blades and I defeated each in turn. I had fought raiders who carried blasters, and they were not much of a challenge. These raiders lasted a bit longer. I hate to say killing them was fun, but it was just because they were challenging. By the time I got to the Ancient Shrine I had defeated ten of them just like the game. I faced the chieftain.

"Jeedhd-ay..." I smiled with him and got ready to counter his push. He laughed and I pushed as he Force pushed. I still flew through the air, but I landed on my feet and Force leaped on top of him as four more joined him. He blocked my one blade, but not the other which dug into his skull. I then slammed my blades in the ground knocking the four down. I took them out as they got back up too stunned to defend themselves. I was glad the fight went so fast. I bent over to search the corpse of the chieftain. I looked up as Kira and Master Bela Kiwiiks ran up.

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