Kalikori Village

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Once we arrived we set up our tents and stored our gear and supplies. I had twice as much stuff to set up and Cort was off in the village somewhere before I finished. Getting to see the Matriarch wasn't as easy as I thought. Many of the villagers would either ignore me, ask me a dozen questions, or request I do something for them. I answered the best I could or said I would look into it. They had received attacks on many occasions, but the day before nearly nothing. Also, the village was nothing like the one in game with a few buildings. This was a full community of nearly a thousand beings.

I finally made it to the Matriarch's building. Once I walked in, an elderly Twilek woman greeting me.

"And the fifth jedi today thinking to waste the Matriarch's time. If you don't have a purpose here, then you better be off." She scornfully stated.

"Yes I am here to see the Matriarch. I am under orders to do so from my Master Orgus Din. He is on the Jedi Council. We hope that we can gather any data you have on the Flesh Raiders and I hope we can work together to reduce their threat to your village and the enclave." I explained. She listened and about half-way she looked up paying full attention to me.

"So the Jedi finally decided to help us, have they? This is not just you, offering help?" she asked.

"No I have been ordered to be here, and I will help as much as I can. Master Orgus Din will come as well." I replied. "If it is too much to see me today, I can come back tomorrow."

"No stay I will go find out if she will see you." The Twilek left the desk and returned minutes later, waving me inside without saying a word.

"Greetings Matriarch. I am Padawan T'aa Onasi, Master Orgus Din sent me to help you with the Flesh Raiders." I stated. She looked me up and down.

"So the Jedi finally deign to recognize my people's suffering? How noble. Nothing to do with the attack on your training grounds. I'm sure." Sumari countered.

"Yes I do have to admit that is a big part of it, but I am new to Tython and I agree that they should have aided you in the past. However, your people were told not to come here. Politics have hindered aid. I do not agree, but then again anyone stubborn enough to ignore the Senate is strong enough to face such dangers. You are a strong people, and I understand that there is security in defending yourselves. However, the threat is only going to escalate as there is a guiding hand behind their attacks. That is what we need to stop. That is why I am here." I explained. She looked shocked at my honesty.

"We heard the sounds of your battle. Watched the attack from a safe distance. Now you know what we endure. My scouts have tracked the Flesh Raiders for months. Watched them grow in strength. I will share what we have discovered, but only if you agree to protect my people." Sumari demanded. "We..." She held her hand to her head. "We suffer..." She looked ready to pass out. If Cort was here, he could have helped her right then, but he wasn't.

"Mother, you need rest. Let me carry this burden for you." Ranna offered.

"Matriarch Sumari you are not just sick you are dying. I feel it through the Force. You may have healers, but to show that we are here to help, you should allow a jedi healer to examine you." I suggested. They both were shocked. Ranna recovered first.

"We have our own healers." she countered. She didn't hear fully what I said.

"I disagree and I assume you can hear fine, since you didn't listen. I insist that you take further steps for your own life. I know of a Jedi who could do so as he is in the village right now. Padawan Cort would be happy to assist." I stated.

"I will think about it. My daughter Ranna Tao'Ven and Scout Chief Moorint here will speak for me." Sumari turned and left the room with Ranna.

"Personally I don't care why you have come, as long as you destroy the Flesh Raiders. Do you really think she is dying?" Moorint wondered.

"Yes she will without a Jedi healer, though there is no guarantee that the Force can help." I replied smiling inside that he had veered from what I expected him to say.

"I see. Ever since they got their new weapons and gear, they hunt us like animals. The enemy has a camp nearby. My scouts report they store their weapons and other tech there in a cave." Moorint explained.

"All in one place is good. I could go in and destroy the weapons or blowing them up would work as well as destroying them. Then again if you have the people to spare you could remove the weapons and arm your people with them. Then you could hunt the Flesh Raiders like they do you. I am sure that will make them wary as you show that you are just as strong or stronger." I replied.

"I like the fact of more weapons." Ranna added as she returned. "This could increase our defenses."

"That is all good, but only if you get inside that cave. You will need one of the leader's access keys." Moorint stated.

"Find the technology and do what you think is best. Good luck, Master Jedi." Ranna finished.

"I will do that. While I am doing this, I want you to let Consular Cort to visit the Matriarch. If he can not heal her, he might know who can. Also, I will need the maps and any resent holo recordings of the area. I will also need locations of any concentrations of their troops. I can pass this along so the other Jedi can hit them." I requested. I called Cort, and he promised he would be there as soon as possible. Moorint showed me more than I needed to know. After an hour, I was out the door. I smiled as I saw Cort approach.

"Hi there."

"Hello you sounded concerned." he replied.

"Yes the Matriarch is sicker than even she will admit. Do what you can for her and ask the temple to send a Jedi healer if you can't help her. All we can do is try." I suggested.

"I will see what the Force can do for her." He replied. "Are you headed into Flesh Raider territory?"

"Yes I am. Do you need me to wait?" I asked.

"I would as I am wary to go into such a dangerous area." He replied. "It will not take long to discover if I can help her or not."

"Okay I will wait." I watched him go inside and I went over to a Twilek woman who waved me over. I talked with her while Cort was inside. She gave me the quest for destroying the potions that the Flesh Raiders made. I nearly giggled during the conversation. Cort come out and by the look on his face it didn't go well. "And?"

"Come better to talk with fewer ears." Cort suggested. We walked back to our tents. "She is dying. I healed her the best I could, but I don't think she will go on much longer. I still requested urgently for a Master to look at her, but with so many wounded it may take time before they could get to her."

"At least we looked into it. She is strong and her daughter is not up to leading her people. Come we need to cover a lot of ground." I stated. Cort nodded and it didn't take long to fill our packs. We ate an early lunch and headed out. Cort had no sense of humor for my jokes. I didn't mind as it was funny just watching him try to figure them out. When he tried to tell a joke, they fell flat. I still laughed, but not the way he intended. My original's memories were slowly merging with hers so things like jokes were not that high on the list of things to keep.

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