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On the way to Tatooine, we trained and studied the whole time we were under way. Kira and I got closer with each other and the crew. The trip was fairly boring by now and even studying about Tatooine could only go so far, so I was glad when we finally came out of hyperspace.

"General we have reached Tatooine. Any word from Master Kiwiiks?"

"Last we heard. She secured our weapons research facility. She's been missed every comm check since then. Enemy action is the most likely scenario, but on Tatooine anything is possible. Outside of the main settlements the only law is of the wild. People vanish there all the time. Some are lost to the native Sand People, others to natural predators, and the rest who knows? Doctor Godera will brief you on the weapon project. Doctor?"

"The research facility on Tatooine created a device code named the Shock Drum. The weapon discharges massive ultrasonic vibrations into the ground. It damages enemy fortifications at a microscopic level, quite literally softening them up."

"Sustained ultrasonic damage – highly destructive to droid parts." T7 mournfully whistled.

"The vibrations will cripple people if they're close enough, but that is not all. The Shock Drum eventually disrupts the planetary core. At critical mass, the core explodes."

"That device has no place in the Republic." I could see the conflict on the doctor's face as he moved out of view. If it was up to him, the device would be used. Either as a threat or fact.

"We didn't know that at the time. When the full potential came to my attention, I halted the project. However, there is a fully operational prototype at the facility. If Darth Angral has captured it, the results will be catastrophic. With no word from the facility or Master Kiwiiks we must assume the worst."

"I sense Master Kiwiiks through the Force, but I can barely feel her, but I feel she is dying."

"We will find her and the Shock Drum. The Force will guide us to her."

"I do not have any Republic contacts there to assist you. You are on your own. Our facility is located in a remote part of the desert. Transmitting the coordinates. Good luck Var Suthra out." T7 confirmed the location as we moved to the bridge.

"Lt. Zetta we need to land as close to this spot as possible. The area is going to be a hot spot with the natives, so we need to be careful."

"No problem, master Jedi."

"Shouldn't we land at the spaceport?"

"No, it is several hours away on a speeder, and we are short on time." I stayed on the bridge as we came down on the planet. Once the base was on our screens, it didn't look good.

"Multiple life signatures. Are they the Sand People?" Tansy reported as she brought a close up shot of the area. I took it all in as she did so. Seeing the placement of the buildings and where the locals were wandering about.

"Land us right in the middle and fire on the locals inside the compound without hitting any of the buildings. That should get them out of our way and out of the compound. This here should be the main generators so be careful there."

"On it boss." Cer Drostu and Sgt. Ga Kairr moved off to get in their gun turrets. A minute later the chatter from the guns added another vibration to the ship as we flew down. The dots that showed the natives scattered and fled from the facility as we dropped down into the center of the base. Kira, T7, and I rushed to the loading ramp and I jumped down before the ship even got close to the ground. The first group I saw I Force jumped to them, and they were dead seconds later. Between the ship's guns and the ship the natives were either running or shooting at the ship. My entrance attracted their fire, but each bolt that came our way was blocked or sent right back at them with deadly accuracy. Within minutes the facility was cleared.

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