Laotah's Lightsaber and the Trap

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"Roger that. I am on the way, Master. I'll holo when I have the base cleared." I replied. "May the Force be with you, and be careful with Bengel." He nodded as he cut the transmission. Again I was running out to the next battle. Finding Cort with Qyzen Fess was a nice surprise as we both entered the tunnel.

"Hello T'aa this is Qyzen Fess. Qyzen this is T'aa Onasi." Cort introduced after cutting down the last droid.

"<An honor to meet a fellow hunter. I can see the Scorekeeper favors you.>" Qyzen stated. <You have many points gathered.>

"An honor to meet you as well." T'aa replied. "Cort I think our quests will merge here. I am going to Upper Kaleth are you heading that way?"

"We are." Cort stated. We entered the cave and right away we found a downed Selkath Jedi. Cort didn't say a thing, as he began to heal him.

"<Padawans turn back. Leave this place, leave me, I am dying.>" Laotah warned. "<Flesh Raiders in this ruin. More powerful than we've seen.>"

"Master Orgus sent me to drive them back." I countered. "Rest easy Cort will heal you."

"<No. These ones control the Force.>" Laotah warned. Cort helped him sit, and he paused as his healing began to take effect. "<Surveillance monitors picked up raiders entering the ruin, Came to investigate. Shouldn't have come alone. This place, strong in the dark side. They channel their hatred here, feed on the darkness. They grow powerful.>"

"Powerful or not there is no one else coming. Rest Cort will help you, Laotah." I replied.

"<Turn back. The enemy's too strong. They have my lightsaber...>" Laotah said as he faded into unconsciousness.

"Go it will take time to heal his wounds." Cort urged. "Qyzen help her if you want."

"<Will be an honor.>" he replied. I fought these Force users, and they were strong, but not nearly as fast. Qyzen held his own as well, and it wasn't long before we faced the last group. Cort ran up as I was about to attack. I hoped Laotah was safe. Qyzen and I jumped at nearly the same time. The light stun of our jumps held them long enough for me to slam the ground with the Force. They went flying and Qyzen smashed one on the head. I heard his growl like laughter. Cort was able to keep down the other raider as I traded blows with the lightsaber wielding raider. He must have been one of his people's, best fighters and finally I had a challenge. I couldn't block him directly as the beast was too strong. However, he was slow as well and I flew around him with both blades flashing. Cort sent a large boulder at him that smashed him back and a torrent of stones after that. I locked blades with him, and he was forcing me down. I need to get out, but I couldn't. Then he weakened releasing his push and stepping back. Two swift strikes removed his arms. Qyzen slammed him in the chest with his staff, and he went down. Cort gave the killing blow as he drove his blade through his head. I picked up the fallen lightsaber.

"Laotah will need this back." I stated.

"He will, let's get back to him and out of here." Cort suggested. I pulled out my comm and Master Orgus answered.

"Master the camp is cleared, but they were all Force users. They nearly killed a Jedi named Laotah. He needs an evac." I reported.

"I'll send the signal to have him picked up. Just got a distress call from the Twilek settlement. They spotted Bengel Morr!" Orgus revealed. "Our forces are spread out dealing with the secret camps. We're the only ones who can handle this. I'm on my way to the settlement meet me there."

"Don't..." the transmission ended as I tried to warn him. I cursed which made Cort look at me. "Let's get Laotah out of here." I ran all the way back to the entrance. Laotah was resting peacefully as I past him. I forgot what I said just moments before. Cort and Qyzen saw me jump on my speeder and rocket out of the area.

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