Telling Kira

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"Master something tells me I am not going to like what you are about to tell me." I held back the smile that came to my lips as I signaled Kira to meditate with me. Clarity on exactly how much I should tell her hasn't come to me. How do you tell someone that you are not the original person that lived in this body? Or that I believed I was just playing a game only in as if I was living it? Then there was the fact that I had felt all these deaths I had caused was weighing heavily conflicted with the belief that this wasn't real. However, I had to believe it was real, or I was surely going to go insane.

"Ever play a video game that was so detailed it drew you in and it felt like you were living it?"

"Like the Croyden system I read about once there is an entire city that is nothing but a game. Though for the people in the game, everything is real enough."

"Maybe, this is to me virtual reality. A reality that is run on a computer and that you can play over and over. Not that I have repeated it this way now, but I played a game that contained everything we or I have done since I landed on Tython. I followed along at first, but now I can't play the game. Yet I am afraid to break it. If I break it or die I feel that it will go really bad. However, there maybe a point where everything resets. Then again not everything is following what I know."

"I am not really understanding." I sighed and Kira felt a bit more reserved than she was usually.

"Kira I know you were a child of the emperor." Kira suddenly stood up as fear surrounded her. "Please sit down. That is in your past and I will explain."

"You haven't told anyone?"

"Why should I? You are a jedi. I trust you with watching my back, my life, I want to teach you, but I want to learn from you as well." Kira knelt back down and I had her full attention now. "This is a problem for me. If Uphrades dies, millions will go with the planet. Not knowing this will not bother me, but that I do know means that I can do something to prevent it. I am not one to let things go just so that I continue to know what will happen."

"But sometimes you can't change the future."

"No you can't but this time I can. I really hope I can in more ways than one. To me this ship and everyone in it is a game I played many times with several different characters. Sanusha, Ingo, Cort are characters I have played as well. Guardian, consular, smuggler, and trooper character classes in this game, but the problem is that I am living this game and I can not see the difference from real life other than I just know what is going to happen over the next five years."

"I understand what you are trying to say and I feel you believe this, but I am real."

"I know Kira you are so real it hurts." I suddenly hugged her, and she barely knew how to react as she slowly wrapped her arms around me. I felt so tired and seeing that she just couldn't believe was painful. I needed her to understand more than anything. I had no idea if I would even like Doc enough to tell him, or that I would be even alive then, but I needed to let this all out.

"Tell me about it. Tell me about who you are and I will do the same." I don't think she really understood what she was asking as I started to cry. With many stops and starts I told her about my life before Tython. About growing up on Earth and Star Wars and what little I remembered about T'aa. It took several days to really tell her everything and for her to open up about her time as a child of the emperor.

"So are we really going to face the emperor directly? This is so exciting."

"I don't want to fall to the darkside."

"But you just told me you wouldn't."

"Kira I am my own person. What I do is my choice. The emperor will take that choice away from me. Unless..." I thought about a certain planet and if it was real then just maybe? The ship intercom crackled to life.

"Sorry to bother you, but we just got an emergency call from fleet."

"Be right there Lt. Miro. We'll talk about this later." We both went to the bridge, and they all looked at us. If I was wearing makeup, it would have been obvious, but I think Tansy saw that I had been crying.

"Got a message that any available ships to help out at Fondor. Since Kira was looking for it. However, it would be weeks before we could get to it. The same with Hammer station, but the main reason I called you up here was that Havoc is handled the station, and that Herald Rift was reported at Fondor along with Dream Runner."

"That is Sanusha's and Cort's ships?"

"Yes they are. I wonder how they managed to make it that far from Coruscant so quickly?"

"Oh it is much easier to run that way then it is around here. By the time we make it to Taris they will meet us there within the same day. I called, because they sent messages to you to meet them there."

"I was actually hoping to join one of those battles." The crew looked confused, but not as much as I was. How could the others have gone to Hammer Station without my help?

"However we did get a message that is quite close. Javaal fleet is being attacked we could get there in time."

"Only if you have already set course will we help." The crew grinned as we came out of hyperspace right in the middle of battle.

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