Nar Shaddaa I

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Nar Shaddaa

"General, we have reached Nar Shaddaa."

"Where is Doctor Godera? Why did you not report after you left Taris? That was weeks ago if you are on Nar Shaddaa?! There is a team out on Taris still looking for you!"

"I have my reasons and Doctor Godera is right here." The general looked a bit surprised mixed in with his anger.

"Oh stop frowning. She saved me from a really hairy situation. I haven't felt better in years."

"You are looking well. Are you ready to come home?"

"That depends on if you are ready to do the right thing?"

"I was always, and our time has finally come. Now I have a problem to get you back to Coruscant. Nar Shaddaa is not the best place to arrange transport from. He is needed in Coruscant immediately."

"General, he will be personally taken back to Coruscant in my ship."

"I am glad you rescued him. I can only imagine what would have happened if the rumors we received on Watcher One being on Taris had lead to Doctor Godera being captured by him."

"Watcher One has been taken care of. Forwarding my report to you now."

"I did hear a rumor you saved a settlement from a Sith assassin. Those settlers were lucky you showed up. How did you wind up there?"

"It is in the report. Is there any word from Agent Galen?"

"Negative, after Taris and Ord Mantell, I fear the worst. I'll warn you now, the project there. I should have ended it years ago." The general looked down in the holo as he felt shame.

"This is not going to end well."

"After the Empire's victory on Coruscant during the war, people were terrified. We looked weak. Helpless. The Senate authorized research into science we had no business exploring, using technology to turn ordinary men into living weapons. The Power Guard program was creating the ultimate soldier. One tough enough to fight a Sith head on."

It was my turn to respond and I just couldn't deal with the way he was just continued to follow the script.

"You do not have to explain any further. I have read up on Nar Shaddaa and how I see it would have been a perfect place for such research. That you set up the operation with no real over sight to help it remains hidden, but with what Tarnis took I doubt it has remained hidden. If you have had no contact with Agent Galen, then I will need the information he had to follow his trail. I will coordinate with the local SIS as soon as I have what I need to meet up with the chief agent there."

The general was slowly showing his surprise at what I was telling him. It wasn't the first time I told another what they were about to say. I almost wanted to laugh if it wouldn't have been totally inappropriate. It took him a moment to realized I had stopped talking.

"Right, transmitting that right now." T7 reported the data was coming in as the general winked off the holoprojector.

"Miss Onasi I am curious how you just knew what he was going to say next. Is this some Force thing?"

"No, Doctor Godera, I have what you might call visions. Lt. Zetta take the good doctor to Coruscant and return here."

"Master is that such a good idea?"

"We will be fine. The others are here on Nar Shaddaa as well. We can use Cort's ship to rest and it would be good for you to receive training from Knight Cort and maybe help Ashara on her training as well."

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