Truth and First Son

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Kira went into my cabin and settled down on the couch there. When she was growing up on Dromund Kaas she was discovered and moved to Korriban to train with other Force sensitives. Her life was full of fear and danger, mixed in with abuse of every kind. At six, she killed her first beast and told me how slowly she noticed the other children being taken away and coming back not remembering anything from the time they were gone. When it started happening to her she told of how she escaped and of her times on the different planets until she found herself on Nar Shaddaa. It was there that Master Kiwiiks had found her and her time as a Jedi started. I knew all of this, but hearing it first hand and feeling her emotions as she remembered gave me much more insight into who she really was.

Later I gave my report to Var Suthra in text only as I had changed the destination to Tython. Kira needed to come clean with the Jedi Council. I felt it was something that would further her growth to let go of the past and to know that it was just that in the past. I wanted to tell Kira about Master Syo Bakarn role in all this, but I had a feeling it would be better if it was a surprise for all of them.

"Are we sure we have to do this now, master?"

"We do Kira and it is time we reveal our ace in the hole to the council. Lt Zetta will be carrying the ysalamiri and will come in if I signal her if Master Syo Bakarn is there. He is a risk that we can not have moving free. He may also have known who you were this whole time."

"How will you prove this with not information?"

"No reason why Valis could not have told us? Don't worry if it is revealed, I think Syo Bakarn will turn to the first son persona for us."

"I have a bad feeling about this." I just shrugged, but I also had a feeling this was not going to go as well as I thought it would. Should I really be messing with Cort's destiny? He would be fighting Syo Bakarn on Coruscant. Though I planned to end my story line after I confront the Emperor the first time. We landed on Tython and many memories came to me as we strolled to the council chambers. T7 hung back with the ysalamiri's pack and pulling a sled with the unconscious form of Valis. We had already seen its effect against unsuspecting members of the order.

"Master Satele, my mission has not gone as smoothly as expected. Both, masters, Kiwiiks and Orgus are missing. I will be headed for Tatooine to find Master Kiwiiks first. Certain things have come up that my padawan must reveal part of her past that has become important, Kira?"

"I was born on Dromund Kaas, my parents were Sith." The tension in Kira fled her as she sighed. "Much easier the second time." She took a breath. "There's more, obviously."

"I should hope so. Give me time to assemble the council. Most of us are still off world..." we waited for the council to form and Kira told her story to all of them. She was just finishing as I felt Valis starting to stir.

"...and my master convinced me to come here and tell you. That's pretty much everything."

"We've heard rumors of the Children of the Emperor before, but this finally confirms their existence." Master Syo Bakarn commented.

"Troubling that we never sensed the truth about Kira when Master Kiwiiks brought her to us." Master Tol Braga wondered.

"That makes her especially dangerous. She can't be allowed to remain free." Master Jaric Kaeden finished.

"Kira's master should have a voice in this. What do you recommend?" I smiled at Kira to reassure her that everything will be fine. I waved T7 forward. He came up and left Valis next to me as he moved around the table to Syo Bakarn. The reactions were surprise and tinged with confusion.

"What you are feeling is the effects of an ysalamiri's Force dampening bubble. Why I do this is because you can not feel the Children of the Emperor because of one person. Valis here is one of those children as well, but the greater threat is the First Son of the Emperor has the ability to shield all the others from detection. That detection has now been severed. Master Syo Bakarn unknowingly has been the First Son all along. As far as my padawan is concerned, we only came here to tell you out of courtesy. Concerning her nothing needs to be done, and as far as the First Son is concerned I believe you will see soon enough."

Master Syo Bakarn jumped to his feet and sent his lightsaber though the backpack T7 was holding killing the ysalamiri as T7 reacted by shocking the master with his weapons as his shield came up. Satele reacted as well along with Master Jaric Kaeden. She pushed him away to slam against the back wall as Jaric tried to take his head off.

"You have all been fooled for so long. Now I will just have to end it here and now. Such a pity." His voice had changed taking on an echo sound as if they were more people speaking perfectly together.

"Syo this is not you. Fight it!" Satele yelled out as Jaric attacked him without pause.

"T7 keep Valis under." I ordered just before we jumped to join the fight against the First Son. The noise became too much to ignore and other Jedi from the temple rushed in only to see chairs flying and blurring light trails left by our blades. Dust and tiny pebbles rained down from the ceiling as the First Son tried several times to bring the ceiling down. Satele pulled in the Force as I managed to push him away as she released a disturbance wave of the Force at him. He dropped to the floor, and we all rushed to him.

"Die Sith scum!" Jaric screamed as he was blocked from killing Master Syo Bakarn by multiple blades.

"Fight him Syo! Take back control remove the shield he has on the other Children of the Emperor." You could see his struggle as he held his head. He screamed out in pain as he started to glow with bright light. At first, it was mixed golden yellow with blood red. It flashed several times before glowing even brighter as it turned completely white.

"It... It's done. The Children's protection is gone. The First Son is still in my mind, but I will never let him have control again."

"We will help you lock him away or remove him." He nodded to Master Satele as he sank back to his knees.

"First Kira and now one of the Council's own?! I can't abide letting either of them free."

"Master Jaric you are only one voice in this matter." Tol Braga stated as his holo image made him fade in and out as he came closer.

"I will also not let anything happen to Master Syo. Until Master Kiwiiks and Orgus can be reached along with other council members, Master Syo Bakarn will be with the healers to further help him remain in control. Kira will remain with her master as she has shown herself to be a true Jedi. We will discuss this later, Master Jaric." He scowled, but remained silent as I felt that she would be discussing his anger and how quick he was in trying not only to lock Kira up, but kill Master Syo Bakarn.

Several other Jedi came up and helped Master Syo out of the chamber as we moved to where T7 guarded Valis.

"Who is this?"

"This is Valis and one of the Children. He will need help to break the Emperor's control over him and someone that can be locked up. He may also be useful in finding other Children that have not been revealed."

"In that case I believe, Kira is best left where she is."

"I will make you all proud even you Master Kaeden." I felt good as we finished up several little things after the battle. That I had stopped Cort's arch enemy was even more proof that I had broken the script. How it would affect his missions I would not know, but I felt through the Force that I had done the right thing. Several hours later we boarded our ship and left Tython.

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